Men's Health Magazine Covers (body of work)

Thursday 19 September 2024

As always, we are adding to our non-literary bodies of work on the site.  You can find a curated page of those non-literary bodies of work here.

We have also published, in conjunction with some of them, a 10-lesson unit plan.  You can find a 10-lesson unit using WW1 recruitment posters, US Army TV commercials, and Greta Thunberg speeches.

This week – and for the next several weeks – we are adding another 10-lesson unit plan to the site.  The focus will be Men’s Health magazine covers.  This will add to our existing resources about masculinity on the site that we have been recently developing.  For example, you will find an opening post about “The Representation of Masculinity.”  You will also find a post about what we are calling “Text-Type Debates.”  This is where students conduct a debate using two different text types that deal with the same concept – in this case masculinity.

Today, we are publishing the first three lessons in the 10-lesson unit plan using Men’s Health magazine covers as a non-literary body of work.  You will find this located under the work we have been doing on masculinity.  By the end of October, all 10 lessons will be published and ready to use in your classroom!  You can find the first three lessons below.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3


Tim and David

Tags: Tim, body of work, men's health, magazine covers, masculinity, representation, identity, the representation of masculinity