Jake the peg

Friday 25 February 2011

Last week it was fantastic sunny weather and I was able to go climbing outside for the first time this year. it was about -5°C so pretty cold but the friction on the rock is much better when its cold so was perfect, I just realised that I blogged about it a couple of days ago but never mind. The shoes in the picture are the sort I wear for rock climbing, they are smooth like slick tyres to increase the friction, so much for friction not being related to surface area then. The rubber is actually quite like racing tyre rubber except that it is made to have optimum friction at much lower temperatures. Oh and incase you are wondering I don't have 3 legs but carry an extra pair of shoes (one of them is still in my bag). Unfortunately the weather didn't last and it's started to rain, maybe going to have to cancel the Gp4 project on snow and either change the topic to rain or stay inside and build paper bridges.

Tags: friction, climbing, EE