
Friday 13 May 2016

I like doing cryptic crosswords but have never tried to make one before. Here is my first attempt. I used eclipse crossword to create the grid then wordplays to help with the anagrams. If you don't know how to do these sort of crosswords then here is an example of how the clues work:

How fast can you go from the deeps?

The clue has two parts, the definition of the word plus a wordplay.

How fast can you go is your speed and speed is an anagram of deeps.

Direction with number is heartless mag

Heartless mag is mg so the answer is mg, direction could be NSEW add this to a number and you get a word meaning mg W eight.

Here are the clues:

The theme is of course physics


1. Having direction is not covert

6. Ruin a symbolic micro to give large element

7. Newton maybe one

8. Rigid example from the road

10. Train beginning ends personal transport to give horse accompaniment

11. I retain order but don’t like to move

14. Reagan backs onto bad French perpendicular

15. Sounds like the route to find mass

16. Classification of photon will be second rate soon

18. No short moment is responsible for the tides

19. like speed but love London for example


1. Sounds like an electric era but is only a unit.

2. Two small boys mix it with a lion to put their clocks back

3. A weighty phenomenon

4. Added to 1 across gives velocity plus speed perhaps.

5. Leg of a pig doesn’t start with unit of length can determine the flow.

9. Always flows from red to blue

12. Modern weight gives law maker.

13. Short periodical with mesh is attractive.

14. Sounds like bicycle can’t warn pedestrian if recipient of this award.

17. Short short time.

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