Is it or isn't it?

Tuesday 26 January 2016

I'm not even going to try to explain all the interesting physics in this clip but there are some great examples of balancing torques and fluid mechanics (above and below the water). Bernoulli might apply somewhere but I'm getting nervous about suggesting that anything can be explained using his principle, all the common examples seem to be caused by something else. The problem with students having access to the internet in class is that they are always googling to prove you wrong. Tocama narrows bridge - not resonance, Lift of an airplane wing - not Bernoulli. mass of a photon - not zero. Hold on a minute. Well if you google it you find 0 or < 1 x 10-18 eV/c2 Hmm, thanks for that. Well if it was bigger it could be detected but that doesn't mean it's not zero. According to the standard model its zero. If a photon has zero mass then it fits in with predictions from relativity, cosmology and particle physics but it's not been proved experimentally.

Anyway things don't need to be experimentally proved to be true. My students need to have more faith in the laws of physics.

Karim: Amazing Technologie #Speedracer Posted by Karim Maataoui on Saturday, 16 May 2015

Tags: resonance, Bernoulli

25 Jan 2016