April: Focus on exams!

Sunday 31 March 2019

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Student revision and access to the site

May exams are fast approaching so we have put up a revision section for students to give some tips on how to revise effectively. You can find this on the home page here: Revision skills 

If you have not yet set up student access for your classes, this would be a great time to do it as there are lots of pages that students would find useful; not just the ATL pages but also essay planning and the interactive quiz pages.

Student access can easily be set up. Go to these pages to get help on this:

Student access

An important feature of this site is the ability to give students access to all of the ATL pagesYou can also choose to give students the access to the essay planning pages and the IA and EE help pages.

Site Update

As well as the revison section, two new quizzes have been added to the site – both in paper  and interactive form. One on the causes of the First World War and one on the practices of the Second World War:

8. First World War: Quizzes

In this section you can find quizzes which can be used as a starters to a lesson or as an end of topic quiz.For the multiple-choice quiz there is also an interactive quiz version here: Interactive quizzes

Interactive quizzes

Here are interactive quizzes for this topic on the Second World WarEach page has a different quiz of 25 questions which students can do on their own. When students 'check' their answers they will also...

Two new pages have been added for the US Civil War unit:

3. Westward expansion and the crises of the 1850s

This page examines the turbulent years of the 1850s which saw divisions in America deepen and set the stage for the outbreak of civil war.Guiding QuestionsWhat was the impact of the Mexican-American War?

4. How the Civil War was fought

This page examines the strengths and weaknesses of the Union and the Confederacy, the role and impact of the different military and political leaders on each side and the impact of the key military campaigns.

Finally, we have uploaded an essay under Paper 2, Authoritarian States:

Brexit and history?

Those of us in the UK are worn down with the political situation regarding Brexit; those of you outside of the UK I’m sure are fascinated/horrified by watching what is going on!

While uploading the US Civil War materials, it occurred to me that the slavery issue and, in particular the Texas-Nebraska Act of 1854, created political divisions similar to those that have been created by the EU Referendum in the UK. Further investigation revealed that others have also seen this link – this is an interesting blog from Sheffield University on this comparison which also raises the question of whether we can learn anything fom the past on this contentious issue...

Another article tries to make some sense of Brexit by asking historians to put it in historical context:

Paths from the past: historians make sense of Brexit and our current political turmoil (the Guardian)

From the American Revolution to Dunkirk, the Reformation to the Weimar republic – leading historians help us understand the forces at play in our divided world

Not quite Brexit (at the moment anyway), but some thoughts on extreme political change by historians in History Today: