December: Site update and best history books of 2018

Wednesday 19 December 2018


More site updates and some extra resources from the Web.

‘Les cosaques littéraires en action’, censors remove books from the king’s library, 18th-century engraving.

Site Update

Several developments have taken place on our site since the last blog in November.


We have added more multiple choice quizzes (with interactive versions) to the site for Paper 1: Move to Global War

French Revolution

The French Revolution topics has been updated with an extra page added to cover the events of the Terror in more detail:


Japan, Topic  for Paper 3, Asia region has now been completed.

Paper 2: The Cold War

We have reorganised this slightly by moving the Berlin Crises of 1948 and 1958 to 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis from the Theme One page to the Theme Three page on Cold War Crises.

We have also added a new page for Theme Two: Leaders and Nations on Cuba as a nation impacted by superpower rivalry.

Interesting resources online

This graphic from last month’s Economist magazine is very interesting for students doing Twentieth Century Wars: (also now on the Practices of Wars page). If you have a subscription to the magazine, you can read the interesting article that accompanied this article here.

At the moment you can still access a programme on the BBC on Women in the First World War by Kate Adie - essential viewing for students studying the First World War as they need case studies of how the war affected women in different countries.

And, as we approach the end of the year, its time for a review of the best History books of 2018:

The Best History Books 2018 | History Today (

From the Thirty Years War to the ancient civilisation of Iran, from Anglo-American rivalries in the desert to the persecution of indigenous peoples, historians select their favourite books of the past year.

The Best History Books of 2018 (Smithsonian)

From the political violence of 19th-century America to the untold stories of African-American pioneers, these books help shape our understanding of today

History in the news

Yet another story highlighting the importance of history in today's world:

Faking history and the fight for the truth (BBC News)

How supporters of the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos have been exploiting social media to spread fake news as his family stages a political comeback.