February update
Saturday 3 February 2018
Welcome to our newly launched InThinking History site! This has been an exciting month – going ‘live’ after many of months of preparation.
We will keep you updated via these blog posts re new materials that we upload to the site.
Since launching the site at the start of 2018, we have already added the following:
- ATL on the Malayan Emergency: 2. The Malayan Emergency (ATL)
- ATL on Cambodia: 4. Cambodia (ATL)
- ATL on Causes of Medieval Wars, Role of Leaders in Medieval War: Causes of Medieval Wars; Role and Importance of Rulers in War
- Graded student work for the Vietnam War: 4. Vietnam War: Graded student samples
- Graded student work for The Cold War in Asia: 8. Cold War conflicts in Asia: graded student examples
- Graded student work for Social movements in the US: 7. Civil rights and social movements: Graded student examples
- Graded student work for The Cold War in the Americas: 5. The Cold War and the Americas: graded student examples