Account manager

The Account manager dashboard is the main welcome page for an account manager. An account manager can access via the user menu in the top-right upper corner


The Account manager dashboard contains information about: 

  1. School details
  2. Subscriptions I manage
  3. My school other’s subscriptions
  4. Expired subscriptions


1. School details

School information such as IB code, name, country and coordinator details. 

2. Subscriptions I manage

A list of the subscribed subjects for which the logged in user is the account manager. 

Under each one of the subscriptions you can see User activity and Payments information:

  • User activity
    To see how often teachers are using a site, click on the chart icon.
    You can see figures for total number of visits and average number of visits per month, for all users, and for individual users
    You can also export the figures to CSV format


  • Payments
    A list of payments made

3. My school's other subscriptions

A list of subscribed subjects from the same school but managed by a different account manager. 


4. Expired subscriptions

Subscriptions that the school had in the past and are no longer active. 


In the left-hand side column, a list of links can be found: 

Check the relevant page for detailed information