Page features

The following features can be accessed from the top right-hand margin of any content page: 

Presentation mode

Presentation mode strips content pages of extraneous features leaving the material in the central column. This is very useful if you wish to project a page in the classroom and work through it with students.

To switch to presentation mode, click on the green screen icon. To exit presentation mode, click the ESC button.

Here is an example of a page first in regular mode and then in presentation mode:


Print this page

Click on the Print icon to print a page. As with presentation mode, the page will be stripped on extraneous features and only print the content in the central column.


Share this page

You can quickly and easily share a page on the following social media networks:

  • X (Twitter)
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn



Mark as favourite

You can favorite a page so that you can easily find it again. Click on the star icon to favorite it and the icon turns red. Click it again to unfavorite.

When you favorite a page, it is added to your list of My favorites. This list can be accessed from any page when you click on your name.


Add personal notes

When you click on the page icon, a text book opens up where you can write notes. When you are done, click the green "Save notes" button. You notes will then saved. When you return to the page and click on the icon, you will find them again.

Pages to which you have added a personal note will automatically be added to your "My favorites" list.


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