Students do not have access to all pages on the teacher site, but only to a sub-set of them. They log in to a separate student interface called Student Pages at ThinkIB.Net. This can be found at:
- The student interface is distinguished from the teacher interface by the orange InThinking logo.
- Subscribing teachers can log in to the student interface using their usual InThinking credentials.
- Students (or teachers) using ManageBac can sign in with the ManageBac credentials.
Student Dashboard
When a student signs in, they land on their Student pages at ThinkIB dashboard. The left hand column shows their pendig tasks. The right hand column shows subjects to which they have access.
All tasks
Students can check all of their tasks - active, overdue, completed etc - by clicking the All tasks tab.
For each completed assignment, students can see their score and a detailed breakdown of which questions they got right and wrong.
Subject home pages
When a student clicks on a particular subject on their dashboard, it takes them to the home page of that subject.
As you can see above, the left hand column shows links to student pages and the right hand column shows the pending and completed tasks for that subject.