Time and Space: Thinking Pluralistically

Thursday 7 December 2023

As you are likely to know, time and space is one of three areas of exploration that guide the construction of the Language A: Language and Literature course. The areas of exploration are hardly discrete, and it is unlikely that in teaching and learning you will focus on one area of exploration, while entirely ignoring the others. One helpful way of thinking about the areas of exploration is as ‘tools for (better) thinking’. Here, we consider time and space, using it as mechanism for promoting multiple perspectives on texts. Students should be encouraged to develop pluralistic readings of the texts and works they study, where this seems reasonable. Of course, such pluralism should be grounded in evidence, but it is nevertheless important to the development of IB learner profile attributes and the promotion of the IB’s mission statement that students learn to consider (if not always agree with!) other views that are not their own. The activities are available to subscribing teachers here.