US Army TV Commercials – A Body of Work
Thursday 11 August 2022
Today, on August 25th, and on September 8th, you will find pages and content that add to the work previously published about WW1 military recruitment posters from the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee in Great Britain. These new pages remain under the heading “Conflict and War,” but they focus on US Army commercials from the 2010s to today. The first four out of ten lesson have been published today with the rest coming over the next month.
US Army TV Commercials – A Body of Work
Once they are all published, you will have another body of work – this time TV commercials from the US Army – to use in your classroom. Now, we understand that US Army commercials may not be what you want to teach and have students study! As such, a list of other possible countries and links to their military recruitment videos on YouTube have been provided as well. The idea is that whatever country you use, studying how language and images are used – especially in conflict and war – are really important things to explore.
Finally, our hope is that you are able to instantly use these lessons in your classroom. We also encourage you to modify anything to fit your needs in your context. Not everyone will have 60 minute lessons, for example! Most of all, we hope these lessons and resources are useful for you and your students!
Tim and David