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  • 16 May 2024
    Silvia Natale
    Qualitative methods glossary
    Dear John,I understand that Qualitative research methods is only for HL students. Does it mean that SL students don't need to know anything about it?Thanks
  • 16 May 2024
    Denis Tartarevic
    Methodology in genetic research
    Dear JohnWhen we talk about adoption studies, is it both twins reared apart that are compared to each other, and "normal" children compared to their parents?
  • Dear Victoria,I think that the answer to your question is "yes."  They do need to focus on effectiveness.  So, studies that look at the success of treatments for PTSD would be appropriate and then the difficulties in evaluating effectiveness...
  • 16 May 2024
    John Crane
    Study guide: Diagnosis
    Dear Catherine,It depends on the question. If they are asked to discuss one or more classification systems, then a discussion of etic vs emic approaches would be a good approach - with the DSM or ICD being an etic approach. However, they would...