Subscriber commentsSee all

  • Hi John,I have given an exam using the ERQ: Evaluate one method used to study the interaction between technology and cognitive processes. A student has given a response in which it seems they misread the prompt as Evaluate the interaction between...
  • Dear AlishaThey could ask for one, but so far they have not.  It seems like they always ask for "one or more", but I tell my students that there is nothing in the subject guide that guarantees this, so it is best to prepare one method...
  • 1 June 2024
    Alisha Kirtley
    ERQ marking: Sociocultural methods
    Hi John,I just wondering if kids could get asked for only ONE research method. The example above is the only time I've seen it specifically asked for. My understanding is that it would always say "one or more", but I can't find anywhere in...
  • 31 May 2024
    John Crane
    Revision: Neurotransmitters
    We have been told that they will have a choice, but this is nowhere in the guide.  I have my students learn both and then hope that the IB will remember what they promised.