Teacher account details

The teacher account details page contains the following headings:

  1. My profile
  2. My school
  3. My subscriptions
  4. My school's other subscriptions

You can access "Account detaiils" by clicking on your name from any page.


My profile

In this section you can complete or correct basic information about yourself and change your password.

Your can also write something about yourself to share with the InThinking community and upload a photo which will appear next to any comments you make on site pages.


My school

In this section you can find information about your current school


My subscriptions / My school's other subscriptions

In this section you can find a list of your subscriptions followed by any other subscriptions your school might have.


Email notifications

You will automatically be sent reminders when your subscription needs to be renewed. Uncheck the box in this section if you do not wish to receive such reminders.