3.2 Mass Extinctions: Then and Now
Comparing Mass Extinctions
In this activity you will review the what is known about the five major past extinctions and compare this to now, the time scientists are calling the 6th mass extinction. This is an exercise in thinking. You need to understand the causes of these extinctions but also the differences between historic extinctions and what is happening now.
The idea is to produce a graphic that illustrates the similarities and differences after doing some further research. I introduce this activity by listening to the first 11 minutes of a podcast from author Elisabeth Kolbert and providing an overview of the topic using 3.2 Mass Extinctions and the 6th Extinction.
Student Task
Produce an infographic / graphic to show the how the five mass extinctions compare to the current 6th extinction. You should be comparing the causes.
Here are some resources to help you:
National Geographic Mass Extinctions
BBC Nature Big 5 Mass Extinctions
Skeptical Science Earth's Five Mass Extinction Events
Barnowsky et al. (2011). Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived? Nature
Science Daily. Has Earth's 6th Mass Extinction Already Arrived
New York Times Are We In The Midst of a 6th Extinction?
The Guardian: The Four Horsemen of the 6th Mass Extinction
Center for Biological Diversity - The Extinction Crisis
Extension Task 1
Listen to the Podcast on the 6th Extinction
Extension Task 2