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Case Studies on Eutrophication

Use these case studies to enrich understanding of eutrophication and its connections to other parts of the course. The first one considers the Gulf of Mexico and the second reports on the situation in Chesapeake Bay, USA.

Student Task 1 (15 mins)

Read this story of how eutrophication can affect biodiversity and economic activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Answer the questions that follow. 


1. Summarise the reasons why the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico under threat.

2. Desribe the solutions presented in this video. Where in the pollution management model does this solution fit in?

3. Evaulate the sustainability of this solution.

Student Task 2 (15 mins)

Watch this video in the HHMI website - the whole video is quite long but you will be able to answer the questions by watching the first 10 minutes.

  1. Describe the inputs of water into the bay

  2. What is the basic definition of a dead zone?

  3. Explain the importance of the “submerged aquatic vegetation” to the stability of the whole ecosystem?

  4. Name the three pollutants going into the bay

  5. Apart from runoff what is another input of nitrogen into the bay?

  6. Explain why the lake ends up in a positive feedback situation

  7. Using the striped bass and the manheaden, make a detailed food web with as many organisms as you can 

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