Topic 2.2 Activities - Communities and Ecosystems

2.2 Drawing Ecological Pyramids
Students very occasionally need to be able to draw an ecological pyramid to scale. More often they should be able to sketch a pyramid but this is good practice.Certainly being able to apply the understanding...
2.2 Investigating Food Chains
I have been using the HHMI Biointeractive activity Creating Chains and Webs to Model Ecological Relationships to help students interact with the concepts involved in the topic. I think the activity really...
2.2 Feeding Relationships Review
To start this topic of feeding relationships it is useful to familarise students with some basic vocabularly which they are likely to not know. This review introduces the ideas of energy flows and trophic...
2.2 Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
Use this presentation to understand the principles behind bioaccumulation and biomagnification then delve a little deeper with some case studies. Beyond the examples given in the presentation, students...