Review Podcasts and Videos
Review Videos
In this section, we will bring you short(ish) videos to help you navigate areas of the course that you might find challenging. These are aimed at students and are not meant to be comprehensive but rather focus on some of the key ideas that will help in exam responses.
There are also some videos offering advice about how to tackle ESS exam questions.
We hope you find these useful.
Case Studies - Ecosystems and Resilience
In this page we will examine how we could gather together a wide range of case studies and examples to answer an essay question about ecosystems and resilience. The variety of examples and thinking I...
Exam Tips - Data Response
We have a wide range of students taking ESS and many have chosen the course as their "Science" in the hope of perhaps avoiding having to deal with data. With the interdisciplinary nature of the course,...
Review Topic 1 Feedback Loops
My students asked for some extra help with feedback loops and so I created this c. 30 minute video for them to review. The resulting document can be downloaded here.
Review Topic 2 Energy Flow
My students always seem to have difficulty when we start with Ecology. I made this 30 minute video to review the ideas of energy flow, looking at key terminology and concepts.A copy of the text is available...
Review Topic 2 Productivity and Biomes
Productivity is a crucial concept for understanding many ecological challenges. Why do some places have more biodiversity than others? Why do some systems have more resilience than others? In this video...
Review Topic 6 Stratospheric Ozone
Students are often nervous about this topic as it involves lots of chemistry but really it can be kept quite simple. Names of compounds can be written and molecules sketched. Students should avoid writing...