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Political and Cultural Influence on International Sport Participation

Political and Cultural Influence on International Sport

This page provides a range of political and cultural focuses on international sports based on some of its biggest challenges and opportunities. Key issues concern corruption in different forms, including, performance-enhancing drugs, match-fixing, commercial interests and racism. The 2 lessons develop different stakeholder interests, including the UN and international sports federations, as well as regulating bodies. The lesson goes on to take a more in-depth look at the way gender inequality is being tackled through initiatives such as the IOC's gender inequality focus and the role of the UN's SDGs. Finally, the lesson looks at the growth of the Paralympic movement, its growing importance in sports as well as its cultural impacts on disability and diversity. However, this is not without its challenges!

Enquiry Question

Why and how are political and cultural influences on international sports participation?

Lesson Time: 2 Hours

Lesson Objective

  • To examine the growing importance of political and cultural influences on international sport participation, including international agreements, inclusion via changing gender roles and the growing importance of the Paralympics

Starter Activity -  A Need for Governance - Processes

Consider and discuss the different reasons why international sport requires political governance

Sepp Blatter, former President of FIFA

Student Activity - Commercial Interests in Sport - Processes and Possibilities

Study the gallery and discuss political and cultural issues concerning advertising in sport

Student Activity - Drugs Scandal Rocks the Olympics - Processes, Places and Possibilities

Watch the episode of The Daily Show on the Doping Scandal that hit Russia

  1. What motivations do countries have for pursuing doping of their athletes?
  2. What regulations appear to be in place to prevent it?

Student Activity - The Role of WADA - Possibilities

Watch the two videos below and make notes on the role of WADA and other international agencies and regulations in the effort to keep sports clean of drugs

Discuss the impact of doping scandals on the individual scale (such as Lance Armstrong) and the national scale such as Russia on the sport itself

Student Activity - Corruption in Sport - FIFA - Possibilities

Watch the following video based on corruption at FIFA

Comment on the:

  1. Roles of different international agencies
  2. Types and levels of corruption

Discuss the importance of political agencies and regulations to prevent corruption in the sport

Student Activity - Match Fixing Mechanisms - Possibilities

Watch the following video on the mechanisms of match-fixing in football

Make a list of the steps required and reasons for fixing sports results

Why does this video suggest a need for political regulation

Read the following European Commission page on what the EC is doing to prevent match-fixing in sport

TOK Question: Is Cheating and Fair play a cultural construct

Student Activity - The UEFA Kick it Out Campaign - Possibilities

Watch the following UEFA video on reducing racism and discrimination in European football

  1. Describe the influence of UEFA regulation over its member national bodies.
  2. To what extent do you think there is a wider cultural and political influence on UEFA policy

Student Activity - Gender Equality in Sport - Possibilities

Study the following two images and for each write down the key thoughts and ideas that come to mind

Discuss the different ways sporting bodies could help tackle gender inequality in sport

Refer to the IOC focus themes to support your discussion

IOC recommendations

Student Activity - IOC Gender Equality - Possibilities

Follow the gallery and comment on the level of gender equality shown at the Rio 2016 games on each slide

Discuss the reasons behind the pattern shown

Interesting slideshow - extended reading

Read the following BBC article on the UN are clashing with the IAAF's plans to base gender recognition on testosterone levels

Student Activity - The Role of the IAAF and Gender and Sport - Processes and Possibilities

Watch the following video

Read the following Vox news article on Caster Semenya and the ongoing ruling over her abilty to compete in international athletics

Student Activity - Sex and Gender in Sport - Power and Possibilities

Listen to this fascinating podcast featuring Professor Ross Tucker and sports journalist Mike Finch on the complexity and threat of sex and gender identity to female sport

Student Activity - The Role of Activist Groups - The SDGs and Sport - Processes and Possibilities

Watch the following video and comment on the role of sport, the SDGs women's activist groups help push the agenda for women

Read the following resource on the links between the UN's SDGs and the role of sport

Read the following SDGS case study on the impacts of the SDGs in Pakistan women's football

Student Activity - The Growth of the Paralympics - Processes

The Paralympics was first held in 1960. By 2016, it had grown to 4,342 athletes from 159 countries and included 524 events in 22 sports.

Describe the graph, which shows the growth of the Paralympics

Student Activity - The Paralympics, Disability and Cultural Shifts - Places and Possibilities

Read the following text and identify how the growth in the Paralympic movement influences cultural attitudes to disability

Paralympics, Disability and Cultural Shifts

Watch the following video and make full notes on the growing importance of the Paralympics for the

  1. Individual athletes
  2. The IPC leadership
  3. The global community

Study the following graph, from, which shows the medal table for the 2016 Paralympics. With reference to the table suggests what challenges the movement faces

Student Assessment - Essay Question

Examine the growing importance of the influence of political and cultural factors in international sports participation (10)

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