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Introduction to the Geography of Food and Health


This page introduces the geography of food and health and contains resources to support a thought-provoking introductory lesson on the theme. It sets out some key concepts and skills and develops in brief, some of the key content developed later in sub-pages. The sub-pages provide a  full set of resources sufficient to teach the unit in full or to dip into as you choose. As with other courses, skills and concepts are integrated into the resources as well as the approaches to learning.

Enquiry Question

How does the geography of food and health interest the geographer through place?

Lesson Time: 1 Hour

Lesson Objectives:

  • To introduce the topic of food and health from a context of geographical thinking
  • To develop an understanding of spatial variation in food and health
  • To make connections to the social, economic, political and environmental

Teacher Notes:

1. Spatial patterns_Scale, Places and Processes Print out the handout with different maps and graphics. Students should discuss each one in turn and attempt to develop how they help advance our geographical understanding of health. The graphics all show variation in spatial patterns at varying scales.

For each one students should discuss:

  1. The appropriate geographical scale
  2. The general pattern of health
  3. Potential physical and human factors that might explain the pattern

The resources are also embedded into Blendspace which enables students to do this activity online.

2. London Maps_Synthesis and Places - Students can then look at the spatial patterns of historical malnutrition and Type 2 Diabetes and they should discuss the patterns.

3. Making Connections and thinking geographically_Synthesis and Processes Using the handout of paired images students should:

  1. Discuss what factors connect them
  2. For each pair examine the issues through the Development Compass Rose

Starter Activity - Scale, Place and Processes - Health in Data

Get the students to explore the following maps and graphics that show variations in health at different scales and geographical contexts. Students should attempt to describe how they help advance our geographical understanding of health.

Starter Images

For each figure identify:

  1. The appropriate geographical scale
  2. The general pattern of health
  3. Potential physical and human factors that might explain the pattern

Discuss the way that these figures enhance our geographical understanding of health.

Student Activity - Synthesis and Places - London Maps

Study the following map which shows the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in London today and malnutrition rates in 19th Century London.

1. What do you notice about the pattern?

2. What do you think causes Type 2 Diabetes and how is this linked to hunger?

Student Activity  - Synthesis and Processes - What's the Connection?

Using the following paired images:

  1. Discuss what factors connect them
  2. Examine the issues through the Development Compass Rose

Food Issues

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