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3. Water Scarcity and Water Quality

Lesson Plans for Water Scarcity and Water Quality

These learning activities cover everything in the IB guide for this topic. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions.

3. Water Scarcity and Water Quality


Physical and economic water scarcity, and the factors that control these including the causes and impacts of droughts; the distinction between water quantity and water quality

Environmental consequences of agricultural activities on water quality, to include pollution (eutrophication) and irrigation (salinization)

  • Detailed examples to illustrate the role of different stakeholders

Growing human pressures on lakes and aquifers, including economic growth and population migration

Water Scarcity

This page provides a comprehensive introduction to water scarcity. It provides detailed worksheets, reading material and interactive activities on water scarcity. It begins with a map from memory activity on global patterns, leading to a comprehensive explanation of the causes of droughts. Students complete the lesson by exploring the social, economic and environmental impacts of drought

Environmental Consequences of Agriculture

This page provides a 4 page printable PDF that includes activities that run through the challenges of irrigation and agriculture for managing freshwater resources. It covers a starter activity on photo analysis and then develops a number of thinking skills activities based on diagrams showing physical processes. It explores both the causes and problems of salinization in Australia, eutrophication through agro-chemical run-off and recaps groundwater pollution in the Edwards Aquifer in Texas.

Groundwater Management

The following page sets out resources that allow students to explore the characteristics of groundwater storage resources. It develops a couple of examples, including the Great Artesian Basin in Australia...


Internationally shared water resources as a source of conflict

  • Case study of one internationally shared water resource and the role of different stakeholders in attempting to find a resolution

Conflicts and Resolutions in the Mekong River Basin

This page provides provides resources for a detailed case study on potential conflicts for the International river basin of the Mekong. It begins with a creative flash starter and then explores the various country demands on the river through thinking skills activity, including card sorts, interactive maps news items and infographics. It leads students through the issues and conflicts and then develops an understanding of the resolutions through the Lansang-Mekong Cooperation

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