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3. Hazard Risk and Vulnerability

Lesson Plans for Hazard Risk and Vulnerability

These learning activities cover everything in the IB guide for this topic. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions.


  • Two contemporary contrasting case studies each for volcanic hazards, earthquake hazards and mass movement hazards
  • For each geophysical hazard type, the case studies should develop knowledge and understanding of:
    • geophysical hazard event profiles, including any secondary hazards
    • varied impacts of these hazards on different aspects of human well-being
    • why levels of vulnerability varied both between and within communities, including spatial variations in hazard perception, personal knowledge and preparedness

Contrasting Hazard Profiles

This page introduces hazard profiling through independent student work. They first recap the Crunch Model and the factors relating to the hazard that might influence risk. Hazard profiles are briefly introduced and then students work with a partner to draw hazard profiles for contrasting earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. The case studies are all post 2000 and have been carefully chosen and resourced. Once completed students should complete the independent assessment on the function and role of hazard profiles in terms of assessing risk and informing management. This could take any form of their choosing.

Contrasting Impacts

This page provides resources that enable students to investigate the contrasting impacts of the 6 case studies. It begins with a flash card activity classifying their severity in relation to different factors. The resources the lead students through step by step, starting with a resource pack contrasting the economic impacts of the Haiti and Japan earthquakes. There is an additional videographic activity on the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Students use the text resources to contrast the Nyiragongo and Eyjafjallajokull eruption impacts before completing the map activity describing the scale of the two landslides. Students then use the gallery and videos to note down the impacts of the Mocoa and Guinsaugon landslides.

Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Think Tank

This page sets up the resources for a think tank activity. The students are commissioned by the UN to produce a briefing paper on vulnerability to risk from geophysical hazards. There are four stages leading to a written report. These include, researching the case studies, presenting the brief, a step-by- step guide for reducing vulnerability and the independent written report.

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