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4. Water Management Futures

Lesson Plans for Water Management Futures

These learning activities cover everything in the IB guide for this topic. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions.

4. Water Management Futures


The importance of strengthening participation of local communities to improve water management in different economic development contexts, including sustainable water use and efficiency, and ensuring access to clean, safe and affordable water

Increased dam building for multipurpose water schemes, and their costs and benefits

  • Case study of contemporary dam building expansion in one major drainage basin

Water Management and Community Participation

This pages first introduces the subject of community participation through a discussion exercise. It then goes on to examine the role of  community participation through eight case profiles, based on the case studies made available by the Global Water Partnership. This is supported by an animation on the role of active citizens in water management and there is also extension reading material

The Lancang-Mekong Dam Cascade

This page takes an in-depth look at the costs and benefits of dam expansion in the Lancang-Mekong Basin. Building on the earlier case study of international conflict on the Mekong the page offers resources that enable students to understand the different viewpoints of stakeholders. There is series of excellent worksheets as well the possibility of a role play based debate/enquiry.


The growing importance of integrated drainage basin management (IDBM) plans, and the costs and benefits they bring

  • Case study of one recent IDBM plan

Growing pressures on major wetlands and efforts to protect them, such as the Ramsar Convention

  • Case study of the future possibilities for one wetland area

Integrated Drainage Basin Management in the Lower Mekong Basin

This page introduces Integrated Drainage Basin Management. First students work through a number of resources including an animation to define and describe IDBM. Then students go on to research an enquiry question, which continues with the regional focus on the Mekong Basin. The question is, 'Does the Lower Mekong Basin qualify as an example of IDBM'? This is done through the WWF 7 guiding principles of IDBM as well as 9-item resource pack largely based on the Mekong Basin Development Strategy 2011-2016.

Freshwater Wetland Management

This page provides a short introduction to the role and function of wetland environments in terms of water and ecology storage. It also looks at them as a water resource and investigates how they can be managed. There is a detailed PDF worksheet for students to structure their notes. The starter activity is a simple video starter, which enables students to identify water resource functions. Students then complete a number of short activities including a gap fill exercise introducing key vocabulary. It then develops a case study through a student investigation into the future possibilities of the Kut Ting Wetland in Thailand. This completes the regional focus for the case studies within this section of the course on the Mekong Basin.

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