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2. Flooding and Flood Mitigation

Lesson Plans for Flooding and Flood Mitigation

These learning activities cover everything in the IB guide for this topic. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions.

2. Flooding and Flood Mitigation


Hydrograph characteristics (lag time, peak discharge, base flow) and natural influences on hydrographs, including geology and seasonality

How urbanization, deforestation and channel modifications affect flood risk within a drainage basin, including its distribution, frequency and magnitude

Flooding and Hydrographs

This page provides resources and activities that lead students through the relationship between drainage basin processes and the potential for flooding. It includes visual and interactive resources, downloadable PDFs, drag-and-drop activities and video resources. The starter activity recaps the water budget with students completing a quick classification of inputs, storage, transfers and outputs.


Attempts at flood prediction, including changes in weather forecasting and uncertainty in climate modelling

Flood mitigation, including structural measures (dams, afforestation, channel modification and levee strengthening) and planning (personal insurance and flood preparation, and flood warning technology)

  • Two contrasting detailed examples of flood mitigation of drainage basins

Flood Mitigation

This page provides an array of resources that enable students to investigate the pros and cons of different floodplain management strategies, including both hard and soft engineering approaches. It is centred around students working within the site and completing an evaluation sheet. It uses examples from different place examples and adds extra activities in addition to the evaluation.

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