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4. Future Health and Food Security and Sustainability

Lesson Plans for Future Health and Food Security and Sustainability

These learning activities cover everything in the IB guide for this topic. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions


Possible solutions to food insecurity, including waste reduction

  • One case study of attempts to tackle food insecurity

Reducing Food Insecurity

This page examines the importance of different factors in reducing food insecurity. It begins by recapping the role of aid and different types of aid. Student watch short clips a couple of example aid projects and consider to what extent they reduce food insecurity and over what time frame. The resources then develop a more detailed case study based on livelihood resilience in Bangladesh. In the second lesson students critically examine the role of free trade and the reduction of trade barriers and question the real success of this approach in relation to food security. Finally students distinguish food waste in developed countries and food loss in developing countries and investigate to what extent reductions in food waste will reduce food insecurity.


Advantages and disadvantages of contemporary approaches to food production, including genetically modified organisms (GMOs), vertical farming and in vitro meat.

Contemporary Approaches to Food Production

This page provides an in-depth look at contemporary approaches to food production, including GM Crops, Vertical Farms and In Vitro Meat. The page is set up for students to work independently or teacher led through bespoke enquiry questions and activities alongside a noting sheet to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. There is also the opportunity to develop a class debate around three key statements on the approaches. The tasks can be completed as part of the preparation ahead of the class debate. The resources develop specific place examples and explore the impacts of these approaches on food security and long term environmental sustainability.


The merits of prevention and treatment in managing disease, including social marginalization issues, government priorities, means of infection and scientific intervention

The Merits of Prevention and Treatment

This page begins the lesson with a thought provoking image gallery that shows different types of social marginalisation and cultural taboo. Students need to identify the link between the images before going on to read more detailed examples. The lesson then explores the merits of prevention and treatment quite subtly through examples of contemporary diseases such as Nodding Syndrome as well as the historical responses to HIV/AIDS in the 1980s. A variety of resources are used, including a short documentary and maps, graphics and text to explore the regional geographical challenges. It ends by looking at the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Through these examples the issues of social marginalisation, government priorities, means of infection and scientific intervention all become apparent.

Prevention Relative to Treatment in Brazil

This page provides a detailed case study of the efforts by Brazilian authorities to prevent the further spread of the Zika virus. It provides an in-depth research tool into the range of geographical factors that determine the relative importance a country places on disease prevention as opposed to treatment of disease. Students can write their own report on the case study or alternatively it can be used step by step through a number of focused investigative activities


Managing pandemics, including the epidemiology of the disease, prior local and global awareness, international action and the role of media

  • One case study of a contemporary pandemic and the lessons learned for pandemic management in the future

Managing Contemporary Pandemics - Covid-19

The following page develops resources on the lessons to be learned from the management of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It looks systematically at different stages of management from the science of epidemiology to the mental health pressures of lockdown and social distancing measures.

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