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2. Changing Urban Systems


This page provides information on the syllabus for this section and links to lesson resources. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information, lesson objectives and activity instructions.


Urbanization, natural increase and centripetal population movements, including rural–urban migration in industrializing cities, and inner city gentrification in post-industrial cities


This page looks at urbanization and develops activities for two lessons on the factors influencing the growth of urban population including natural increase and centripetal population movements. The first lesson is based on the main spatial pattern of urbanization. It uses graphics and maps that students interpret. The lesson then examines the importance of processes such as rural-urban migration, push and pull factors and natural increase in more depth through India as well as Sub-Saharan Africa and Nigeria. The second lesson looks at the processes of in-migration...


Centrifugal population movements, including suburbanization and counter-urbanization

Centrifugal Population Movements

This page introduces the lesson on suburbanization with a couple of fun starters; one based on a1 950s animation and another on a cartoon of US suburban utopia. The lesson is then based on a role play, whereby each student is given an account of suburbanization in one place. These include, the US, UK, China, Mexico and Eastern Europe. The students then create a character to reflect the surbanization in that place, before taking part in a 'speed dating' activity with the outcome that students realise that suburbanization is far more diverse than the Western ' stereotype would have us believe!


Urban system growth including infrastructure improvements over time, such as transport, sanitation, water, waste disposal and telecommunications

Urban System Growth

This lesson introduces students to the types of infrastructure need for sustainable urban growth. Following a starter video on Franz Ferdinand it develops develops a discussion around rates of urban sprawl and factors that influence urban growth. It introduces a theoretical context based on different influential urban system growth models and then this applied through three maps of urban growth. Later students mind map infrastructural growth before going on to makes notes on the urban challenges that face Dhaka and Dublin; two cities at different stages of development.


Case study of infrastructure growth over time in one city


This page develops a case study on urban growth through Lagos. It includes a number of skill-based lessons based on mapped resources of infrastructure in Lagos. It also uses Google Streetview for students to complete a rapid appraisal of infrastructure in Lagos at various sites. It also uses a couple focused videos from the Lagos Water Corporation and the Eko Atlantic project so students can develop an understanding of the contemporary infrastructure projects and plans currently being developed to cope with Lagos's mega city status.


The causes of urban deindustrialization and its economic, social and demographic consequence


This page introduces deindustrialization through a number of gallery and resource pack activities. Student first examine a series of mapped images to identify urban change in the Post-Fordist city before looking at deindustrialization in the US cites. The gallery uses a number of stereotype maps to show how regions that have deindustrialized are perceived. Students then look more closely at the north east region. Students identify the demographic and economic impacts first through a map and graph and then through a short clip from Michael Moor's film Roger and Me. The main lesson activity is then based on a large resource pack based on causes and consequences, whereby students complete a number of sorting and writing exercises based on the resources.

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