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Changing Leisure Patterns

Changing Leisure Patterns

These learning activities cover everything in the IB guide for this topic. Lesson plans include resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student.

The Growth and Changing Purpose of Leisure Time

This page develops resources on both patterns of leisure growth and changing preferences in leisure. It uses graphics based on global regions as well as more detailed focus on American leisure activity...

Classifying Tourism and Sport

This page provides some simple and fun activities to enable students to consider different types of tourism and sport and to classify them. It begins with a fun bingo activity and then develops a number...

Economic Development and Participation in Leisure

This page examines the relationship between economic development and leisure. In particular it looks at the growth of the tourism industry. There are number of statistical activities that examine that...

Participation in Countries at Contrasting Stages of Development

This page develops students insight into changing patterns of leisure in three very different detailed examples, including the growth of the event industry, including music festivals, the growth of international...

People's Participation in Sport and Tourism

This page provides a comprehensive set of resources and activities that allow to students to examine the different factors influencing rates of participation in sport and tourism. It uses a range of locations...

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