Climate Change and Contrasting Resource Security
This pages recaps the impacts of climate change on water, food and energy security through a supported mind map activity before looking in more depth through an IPCC infographic card sort question and jigsaw activity. Students then go on to investigate the contrasting resource security and vulnerability to climate change in India and South Africa through a number of structured activities and resources, including paired research, security indices and in depth case studies of both climate change impacts and use of the water, food and energy nexus.
Enquiry Question
How will climate change impact the water, food and energy nexus and related security in the India and South Africa?
Lesson Time: 1-2 Hours
Lesson Objectives:
- To describe the impacts of climate change on the water, food and energy nexus
- To contrast the impacts of climate on the water, food and energy security of India and South Africa.
Teacher Notes:
Starter_Mind Map Activity_Synthesis - Give students the handout and students should first read the introduction on climate change before working in pairs to identify the impacts of climate change on the water, food and energy nexus.
There is a diagram in the drop down box that will support their thinking
1. Active Reading _IPCC Climate Infographic Cards_Power and Possibilities_Allocate students in pairs or small groups a pack of the IPCC infographic cards and give each student the worksheet to complete using the cards.
2. Research Task_Resource Security in India and South Africa_Places, Power and Possibilities_Student should work in pairs or small groups to complete the table of factors relating to resource security in India and South Africa. The data can be found in CIA fact book
Follow this up with a discussion comparing the level of vulnerability in the two countries
3. Slideshow_Resource Security in India and South Africa_Places, Power and Possibilities_Present the slideshow of maps on levels of resource security and students should complete the second table with noting based on the maps.
Follow this up with a discussion comparing the level of vulnerability in the two countries.
4. Video Comprehension_South Africa_Places and Possibilities_Show the WWF video based on climate change vulnerability in South Africa and students should make notes
5. Active Reading_Summarising large texts_Places, Power and Possibilities_Give students the two page text on security issues in India and they should summarise and condense it using the noting sheet provided. It is important they write their own words, paraphrasing rather than copying exact text form the article
6. Active Reading_Summarising large texts_Paces and Possibilities_Then give students the two pages of text on nexus issues in South Africa and they should summarise and condense it using the noting sheet provided. It is important they write their own words, paraphrasing rather than copying exact text form the article
7. Student Assessment_Essay Question _Places, Power and Possibilities_Compare and contrast the levels of resource security in two countries (10)
Working with a partner and the worksheet provided identify the potential impacts of climate change on the water, food and energy nexus.
- Consider both negative and positive impacts
- Think economic, social, environmental
Climate change is uncertain. The global community have committed to trying to keep average temperature rise to 2°C, although there will be significant differences across regions. This temperature rise will lead to an estimated sea level rise of between 40 and 70cm by the end of the century. Weather patterns are very likely to change, with some regions experiencing higher intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Global events such as Monsoons and El Nino will become less predictable with drought and tropical storms intensity more common.
Source: BIS
The following image will support your thinking
Study the IPCC infographic cards that present data on the likely impacts of climate change on food in 2010 and into the future and answer the questions on the sheet provided
Study the following resources and complete the tasks provided
Using the CIA factbook - work with a partner to complete the table on key data relating to vulnerability to resource security in India and South Africa.
When complete discuss the level of vulnerability to resource security these two countries face.
Watch the following video produced by the WWF and make notes of the vulnerability to climate change in the context of South Africa
Activity - Places, Power and Possibilities - The Impacts of Climate Change on Water, Food and Energy Security in South Africa
Read the handout and summarise the text in the following worksheet
Activity - Places, Power and Possibilities-Nexus of Resources, Climate Change and Stability in India
Read the following site in NATO Review on the nexus in India between resources, climate change and security and complete the summarising sheet provided
Activity - Places and Possibilities-Contrasting Examples of Adaptive Measures in India and South Africa
Read the following two examples on how water, food and energy thinking is being used in the feasibility and action plans of adaptive measures to climate change in India and South Africa.
Compare and contrast the levels of resource security in two countries (10)
- Compare and contrast must define the structure, tone and balance of the essay. Avoid over description and writing two separate paragraphs
- The essay should develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of resource security in two countries through comparison and drawing on key contrasting elements
- The conclusion should be consistent with the argument throughout the essay and should not compare and contrast for the first time.