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Qbank HL differentiation

HL differentiation: Ln, ex and trigonometric functions with product, chain and quotient rule

The qbank is live and available from the Hompage by clicking on 'Student Access' (top right panel) then 'qbank' (screenshot below). This question set is focused on the use of HL differentiation techniques across a range of contexts.

HL differentiation


Afiya believes that the demand for plant-based panini in her school open day can be modelled by  \(p = 30 – 7 \ln \left( \frac{q }{5 } \right)\)\(1 \leq q \leq 300\)
where \(p\) is the price in Hong Kong dollar (HK$) and \(q\) is the quantity of panini demanded.

Afiyi learned that the revenue of the sale \(R\) is given by \(R = pq\) from her Economics class.

(a)          Express the revenue \(R\) as an equation in \(q\). [1]

(b)          Find \(\frac{dR}{dq}\) and use it to show that revenues are maximised when q = 134  and R = HK$6.98 (to 3sf) [7]                

Afiya also learned that the price elasticity of demand y at a point \((q_{0}, p_{0})\) is given by \(y = \frac{dq}{dp} \vert_{q=q_{0}} \times \frac{ p_{0} }{q_{0}}\).

(c)          Find \(\frac{dp}{dq}\).       [2]

(d)          Find the price elesticity, \(y\) , when 5 panini are demanded.  [4]

(e)          Calculate the price elasticity \(y\) when revenues are maximized. [1]  


Kaleena models the decoration of fairy lights on a large wall of a building with
\(y = e^{ a + 0.2\cos (\frac{x \pi}{b} )}\)\(0 \leq x \leq  13\) metres and
\(y\) is the height of the decoration from the ground.
Kaleena observed two “peaks” in the decoration on the wall.
One of the “peak” is at (0, 3.32) and both “peaks” are of the same height.  

(a)          Find the integer \(a\). [4]

(b)          Find \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) in terms of \(b\). [3]

(c)          Find the distance between these two “peaks” in terms of \(b\).  [2] 

(d)          Find the range of values \(b\) such that only 2 “peaks” are on the wall. [3]  

Kaleena lets \(b\) be a variable.  

(e)          (i)        Use the result in (a) and find \(\frac{dy}{db}\). [3]
              (ii)        Hence, interpret the result above in this context.           [1]


Faye found that the life expectancy at birth (\(L\)) in years for a group of countries can be modelled by
\(L = 4.41 + 7.43 \ln (E)\)
where \(E\) is the national income per capita of a country expressed in Euro.

Faye wanted to express the above model in US dollar. She knew that
\(x = \frac{E}{0.92}\) where \(x\) is the national income per capita of a country expressed in US dollar.

(a)    Find \(\frac{dL}{dx}\).       [2]

(b)    Hence, describe how the rate of life expectancy at birth change when the national income of a country doubles.  [3]

(c)    Find \(\frac{d^2L}{dx^2}\).  [1] 

(d)    Interpret \(\frac{d^2L}{dx^2}\)in this context and suggest a possible limitation of this model. [2]


The voltage of an alternating current source is given by
\(v = a \sin (3t + \frac{\pi}{b} )  \)
where \(a\) and \(b\) are some positive integers, and \(0 \le t \le 3.2\) seconds.

The graph of the voltage is shown above with a peak \((h,20)\) and a known point \(( \frac{\pi}{4},0)\).

(a)          Find parameters \(a\) and \(b\). [4]

(b)          Hence, show that the voltage graph has a stationary point when \(h = \frac{\pi}{12}\).  [4]

(c)          Find \(\frac{d^2v}{dt^2}\).    [2]

(d)         (i) Find the value \(k\) in \(\frac{ d^2v}{dt^2} \vert_{k} = 0\) given that \( \frac{dv}{dt} \gt 0\). [4]
             (ii) Interpret the value \(k\) above in this context. [1]


Adele is doing a personal project on sound pressure and decibel scale.
She has collected the data below from a computer simulation.

Change in decibel, \(x\)






Increase in sound pressure in times, \(P\)






Key: 2 means the pressure doubles.

(a) Complete the table below. [2]

\( \left( \dfrac {2}{1.414} \right)^{\frac{1}{3} } \)


\(\left( \dfrac {31.6}{1.414} \right)^{\frac{1}{27} } \)

\(\left( \dfrac {316}{1.414} \right)^{\frac{1}{47} } \)

\(\left( \dfrac {1000}{1.414} \right)^{\frac{1}{57} } \)





Studying the results in (a), Adele conjectures that \(P = Ae^{bx}\)
Adele considers a pair of data \((x,P(x))\) and \( (x+k, P(x+k))\) where k is a real number.
(b) Hence, show that  \(\dfrac {P(x+k)}{ P( x) }^{ \frac{1}{k} }\) is a constant. [3]

(c) Linearize Adele’s model above. [2]

(d) (i) Find the regression equation for the linearized model in (c). [2]
(ii) Find \(\dfrac {dp}{dx}\) of your regression equation. [2]
(iii) Hence, comment on the value of \( \dfrac{dp}{dx} \left( \dfrac{1}{p} \right)\). [2]         

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