Number & Algebra

This is the parent page for all of the subtopics for the Number and Algebra unit of the course. The topic pages have all of the links to the teaching and learning resources you need!

There are 3 main themes to the topics in this section. Firstly there is an emphasis on numbers and notation as tools. With indices, standard form, logarithms, accuracy and percentage error we focus on the ways in which we can describe and present quantities and proportions that come in to play in other areas. With the sequences we have a first look at the idea of relationships and growth and then we see some of these applied in the context of financil mathematics.

What is here?

See the directory of subpages below

SL Scheme Number & Algebra

The new Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation syllabus is out and published on the IB website. Log in to your MyIB account and head to this link . It is a new course with a new name and renewed...

SL Standard Form, Accuracy & Estimation

This sub topic covers some of the key skills that will be needed through some of the other topics. Firstly, working with numbers in standard index form allows us to work efficiently with the extremely...

SL Indices & Logs

This sub topic is all about understanding how to express and work with numbers written in index form. As well, we will explore the inverse of indices and the basic concept of logarithms. This all draws...

SL Arithmetic Sequences

The recomended teaching time is 2hours. The topic does offer opportunities to use some of the Tool Kit time as well though.Please find below some slides to help present and teach these ideas to students....

SL Geometric Sequences

1, 3, 9, 27.....The Geometric sequence is a fundamental bit of mathematics that is an inherent part of exponential growth and decay. Their properties are simple in nature but they are often counter intuitive....

SL Compound Interest & depreciation

This is a topic that most will have seen before. The idea of repeated percentage change and the relationship with exponential functions and geometric sequences is what this is all about. What is often...

SL Amortization and Annuities

The '2018 State of the Nation's Housing' report from Harvard university states that more than 1 In 3 households pay over 30% of their income in housing costs (rental or mortgage payments). Furthermore,...

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