
What is here?
See the subsections below
SL Scheme - Functions
The new Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation syllabus is out and published on the IB website. Log in to your MyIB account and head to this link . It is a new course with a new name and renewed...
SL Concept & Notation
This page is an introduction to concept of a function in the context of mathematics. The applicatuions course has a strong focus on modelling which depends much on a through understanding of the concept...
SL Linear models
Commonly seen in the form y = f(x) = mx + c where m represents the gradient/rate of change of the function and c is the y-intercept, where x = 0. These models are a fundamental bit of algebra that come...
SL Quadratic models
f(x) = ax2 + bx + cQuadratic functions are those in the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, and have fascinated mathematicians for centuries. They have some fundamental properties that will explored in this unit....
SL Exponential models
The exponential function is set apart from other families of functions because of the fundamental impact of having the variable in the exponent. It stops being a multiplier and starts being more 'powerful'...
SL Sinusoidal models
This section is all about sine waves and various transofrmations of them. These stand out from the other functions because they are cyclical in nature. As such, they are good for modelling occurences...
SL Inverse functions
When we create/make something, we almost always want/need to know how to 'undo' it - how to return it to its original parts/pieces.A 'function' relates/converts x-values in to y-values.An inverse function,...
SL Modelling skills
This page differs from the other topic pages because the heading 'modelling skills' referes to a much broader and more general set of skills, knowledge and processes about how, when and why we try to...
HL(SL) Functions
Just as a musician will hear the symphony play in their mind when they read a musical score, so we, by the end of this course, will see the lines and curves, and the physical realities, described by our...
HL Transformations of Functions
It's worth explicitly making the link between transformations of shapes: translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement with which students have a number of years experience, by their last two years...
Something about the concepts on which this unit is based
Selected Pages
SL Scheme - Functions Free
The new Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation syllabus is out and published on the IB website. Log in to your MyIB...
SL Linear models
Commonly seen in the form y = f(x) = mx + c where m represents the gradient/rate of change of the function and c is the...
SL Sinusoidal models
This section is all about sine waves and various transformations of them. These stand out from the other functions because...
HL Translate, Reflect 2.8
'Focus your attention on the change in the Coordinates and the Algebra'Change the line of reflection to overlap the green...
HL Linearizing with Logarithms 2.10
In business etc., most people are familiar with linear graphs.Human intuition is not good at understanding exponential relationships...
HL Functions - Exam Questions
Modelling is one of the central themes of the IB applications subject. HL(SL) Functions helps develop students’ conceptual...