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HL Matrix Transformations&Determinants (AHL3.9)

How do Matrices create transformations? What is the Geometric meaning of the Determinant?

You will need to apply your rotations, reflections and enlargement knowledge from pre-IB mathematics to use what you know, to work out what you do not know (how much of mathematical and scientific knowledge is constructed). The investigation begins with a James Tanton video demonstrating what you will be investigating: how can matrices be used to produce transformation?! Once you've completed the investigation (and the questions at the end of it to check your understanding), watch the videos on the geometrical meaning of determinants and videos that will take your understanding of the transformation effects of matrices a step further.

Practice and Exam Style Questions follow at the bottom of this page (site membership is required for the exam style questions).

Watch the below video before starting on the INVESTIGATION that follows.

It should raise some helpful questions that the investigation will then offer answers to!

Matrices 7: Geometric Transformations

Transformation effects of Matrices: Investigation

SOLUTIONS available here.

Now watch, and take notes, on the videos here, covering the Geometric interpretation of the determinant, and transformations (in further detail)

IB exam style questions

  Matrix Transformations , use these Exam style questions to test if you feel ready, or what you need to review, ahead of moving on to the new topic or your end of unit test/mocks/final exams!

SOLUTIONS to exam style questions (including a guideline markscheme)

  Matrix Transformations2 - Exam Qu , a further 100 marks of exam style question.
SOLUTIONS availabe here.

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