An Essential Resource for students

Visit the start here page at to find out more.

Teachers who use this thinkIB site have a free account and can log in with the same details you use to log in to this site. Please note it is for SL students ONLY.

Please note there is now an institutional subscription available.

(HL is in the plan for the future)

We would like you all to know about this resource we have developed for our SL students. It is written by myself, Daniel Pearcy and Rebecca Baker. It came from a genuine desire to be able to give our own students a really useful support resource as they are doing homework and preparing for exams. The aim is that students everywhere can use this resource to help them review and understand the key concepts from the IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation course. They can do so at their own pace and become stronger independent learners. The feedback we have had from students so far has been excellent and so it has been time well spent. Of course it would be wonderful to think that students everywhere could benefit. Hoping to see lots of your students there soon.

Online study resource for SL (only) Applications

The  site is a web based learning resource for students, packed with resources to help you to improve your understanding and performance.

The site is written by Jim Noble, a hugely experienced Maths Studies teacher, and it has been designed to support student learning from the beginning of the course until the final exams. It is clearly organised by syllabus topic, simple, attractive layout, and is optimised for mobile devices.

The site includes:

  • 200+ Teaching videos covering the key concepts on the syllabus.
  • 150+ Slides with visual explanations and examples.
  • A questionbank with over 2000 questions in it
  • Hundreds of onscreen practise questions with feedback.
  • Revision Flashcards.
  • 100+ original exam style questions with video solutions.
  • Regular updates with more videos and questions going up every month.

Teaching videos allow you to review key concepts you have learned in class.These thoughtful, well-paced, demonstrations and explanations, which you can watch again and again, are designed to make you think and improve your understanding.

Visual slides back up the videos with you can see visual notes that describe and summarise the key ideas.

A massive question bank - A huge an easily accessible question bank for students to practise on the laptops or on the go with their mobile devices via our app.

On-screen quizzes enable you to check your understanding of ideas by giving you instant feedback and advice. Return to them as often as you like.

Revision Flashcards boil the syllabus down to key points which help you to review as exams approach.

Exam Style questions which you can try out on paper yourself and then check your answers against the video solutions.

How to get it

Visit now and hit the the red subscribe button....

There is a free version which includes some chapters including the one about how to use the graphical display calculator which is probably worth it alone. You just need to create an account to get access to these free chapters.

We are sure that students everywhere will find it useful and help them to revise and maximise their performance in exams. 

Teachers and Students

We are keen that both students and teachers are using this resource. Students can use it to support homework or revise. Teachers can use it to help show concepts to students, support them with homework and even set cover lessons. Teachers who are new to the course, might well find it useful to clear up some concepts. Remember - Teachers who use this thinkIB site have a free account and can log in with the same details you use to log in to this site.

Have a look

With no sign up at all you can see and use this page on the  4.9 Normal Distribution as an example of all the features our pages offer.

If you create a basic account at no cost, you can see and use all our  Your Graphical Display Calculator pages for  Casio, TI-84 and TI-Nspire  4 further chapters..

 1.1 Standard Index Form

 2.5 Trigonometric Models

 3.1 Volume and surface area

 5.1 & 5.3 Introduction to Calculus

That is already a lot of useful resources to help you get a feel for the site an persuade you to pay the very reasonable fee for the rest!

All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.
