Question bank
Question bank SL and HL: create your own exam question sets.
Want to make a quick set of practice questions? A revision pack for an end of unit test? A Quiz or end of unit test? Go straight there with this qbank link
With nearly 1000 questions and fully worked solutions, we are delighted to let you know you can start having a look at this new Question bank with fully original questions, none of which are used elsewhere on the site. Some example question sets available below to give you an insight into what the qbank will offer. We are keen to let you know that we still have some work to do on this, and we consider it in test mode just now, but you can go an have a look for yourself. The current work involves lots of checking and proof reading of the questions. This is time consuming. You can use this directly with the link above or by setting up a class using Student Access (By the way, you can just set up a test class for now), Then go to qbank in the student access tools.
Selected Pages
Question bank
Qbank SL Log Scales
The qbank is alive and available once you click through to your 'Student Access' area. The question set focuses on student's...
Question bank
Qbank HL differentiation
The qbank is live and available from the Hompage by clicking on 'Student Access' (top right panel) then 'qbank' (screenshot...
Question bank
Qbank HL Euler's 1st order Diff Eq
Below is an example quiz for students to practice using Euler's method, via spreadsheets or sequences, to solve 1st order...
Question bank
Qbank HL Matrix Transformation & Determinants
An exciting, and very visual (when the matrices are applied to objects in Geogebra to visualise the transformations/animation),...
Question bank
Qbank HL Paired T-test and TypeI&II errors
The HL syllabus includes "paired" t-tests, where the two sets of data are for the same group of people e.g. times in running...
Question bank
Qbank HL Complex N° Electricity
The qbank is live and available from the Hompage by clicking on 'Student Access' (top right panel) then 'qbank' (screenshot...