Exam questions

Using IB exam papers as the basis for revision and examinations

The IBO sells the recent IB papers and mark schemes at Follett

Each exam and mark scheme costs £1.99 Pounds sterling. Therefore, buying all of the tests and mark schemes for the last four years can be expensive. Purchasing the most recent is often the best policy

Taking one whole year's tests in one sitting should take 3 hours for SL and 4 hours for HL students. The IB calendar has each examination sat on different days so it is good practice to do the same when setting these papers for mock / practice examination sessions.  One last piece of advice would be to allow your students the same amount of time to complete each test as in the real thing - to get students used to complete the work in the time allocated.

We have produced IB examination style questions that your students can use to practice writing their answers in the format of the IB Economics examination. The questions include:

Paper 1 style examination questions

This section of the site provides you with the opportunity to set examination style questions for the new syllabus, starting August 2020. The following questions are all IB paper 1 in type and include...

Paper 1 guidance on essay writing

This page takes you through an example question and answer from a paper one economics examination paper. It will help your learners identify command terms within questions and to understand what is required...

Real-world examples to support SL and HL paper 1

This section will provide direct access to real-world examples that students can use to support their answers to the questions in paper one of the examination. Each real-world example is set out as a...

Paper 2 style examination questions

This section of the site contains 24 paper two-style questions, written by the authors according to the new syllabus, starting August 2020. Each question is designed to be completed in around 85 minutes....

Paper 2 guidance on writing the data response paper

This page takes you through an example question and answer from a paper two economics examination paper. It will help your learners identify command terms within questions and to understand what is required...

Paper 3 style questions (HL only)

This page contains direct links to the paper three type questions on the site. Each question is marked out of 30 and include a policy response question to reflect the new syllabus requirements.

Paper 3 guidance: policy response paper

This page takes you through an example question and answer from a paper two economics examination paper. It will help your learners identify command terms within questions and to understand what is required...

Each question we have included also contains markscheme answers and useful tips for completing each exam style question.  They are perfect as either a major test or homework exercise.


Selected Pages

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