Developing renewable energy in the North Sea

Monday 16 January 2023

Developing wind energy

The North Sea is one of the global centres for wind energy. This is a sea that lies between the UK and Western Europe which is bordered by 9 countries. It is an area that is a huge opportunity to further develop renewable energy in the future.

As a body of water, the North Sea has significant advantages for producing wind energy. It is a shallow sea and the sea bed is soft, making it relatively straightforward and low-cost to construct large wind turbines. It is also very windy most of the time. 

There are currently 7 offshore wind projects under construction in the North Sea off the coast of France, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and the UK. The total energy output of these projects is 3.8 gigawatts which would supply 3 million homes. But the long-term prospects for energy production are much greater than this at 260 gigawatts by 2050 which would power 200 million households which cover most of Europe.

Esbjerg in Denmark is an example of how green energy can transform a city. Over the last 10 years, the development of wind power has brought vast amounts of investment and created thousands of jobs. The establishment of giant offshore wind farms, Horns Rev I, II, and III and made the city one of the leading renewable centres in Europe.

A further Danish renewable energy investment project involves the Danish pension provider, Pension Danmark combining with Danish utility company, Andel in a joint venture which will be the world’s first energy island called VindØ (Wind Island). The island is going to be located 100 km off the coast of Denmark in the North Sea. By 2030, the island will have a capacity of 3 gigawatts, eventually rising to 10 gigawatts when it reaches full capacity.

VindØ will cost $8 billion and will be a significant energy project in the region creating employment and business opportunities for linked businesses. The island will also form a renewable energy hub to supply energy throughout Europe.

Projects like VindØ along with other renewable energy developments in the North Sea are a major opportunity for Europe to achieve its net zero target along with developing energy independence.

Possible questions to discuss with a class

1. What impact will the increase in the ouput of the renewable energy from the North Sea have on sustainability?

2. What impact will the development of the renewable energy sector in the North Sea have on market failure in the fossil fuel market?

3. Will the $8bn investment in the VindØ project cause a multiplier effect in the Danish economy?