Teacher Resources

Welcome to the Computer Science curriculum overview. This page provides links to the core topics essential for understanding approaches to the Computer Science course. Each topic contains a wealth of resources for teachers to deliver the course. 

Topic 1: System fundamentals

This section covers system fundamentals, focusing on planning and system installation, user focus, system backup, and software deployment. It discusses the importance of understanding the context for...

Topic 2: Computer organisation

This section covers computer organization, including CPU architecture, primary and cache memory, and the machine instruction cycle. It discusses the need for persistent storage, the functions of operating...

Topic 3: Networks

This topic is recommended to take 9 hours of teaching. It can be useful in this section to take a more flipped classroom approach and get students to read the relevant section from the student booklet...

Topic 4: Computational thinking, problem-solving and programming

The topic should be integrated with all sections, particularly flow charts, pseudocode, programming, and abstract data structures. It’s crucial to approach these elements holistically. Basic ideas should...

Topic 5: Abstract data structures

This section is examined at the level of diagrams and pseudocode. Students should be able to describe the most common data structures and the most common data processing operations on each of the basic...

Topic 6: Resource management

This section discusses resource management in computer systems, including the identification and evaluation of resources like memory, storage, and processor speed. It highlights the role of the operating...

Topic 7: Control

The topic covers centralized and distributed systems. It includes analysis of control systems like automatic doors, GPS, and the role of microprocessors. The relationship between a sensor, processor,...

Option D: Object-Oriented Programming

These sections cover Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), program development, and advanced program development. OOP features like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are explained. Program development...

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