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Data Transmission

Data Transmission

This section deals with understanding the transfer of data from one digital device to another. This transfer occurs via point-to-point data streams or channels.

3.1.6 Define the terms: protocol and data packet.

Define - Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity.


What is a protocol?

Think of a protocol as a set of rules or procedures that govern how devices communicate. It's like a language they all agree to speak, ensuring they understand each other. Protocols define how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, received, and interpreted. Examples include TCP/IP, HTTP, and FTP.

How is a protocol different to a standard? 

In the previous section,  Network Fundamentals, we looked at Network Standards. Network protocols and standards are closely related, but not the same. Network protocols are the logical rules that govern how data is communicated, while network standards are the physical and technical specifications that enable the implementation of network protocols.

Network protocols and standards often work together in layers, forming a network architecture or model that describes the functions and interactions of each layer. For example, the OSI model is a network architecture that consists of seven layers, each with its protocols and standards.


Data refers to raw, unorganized facts, figures, or symbols that represent information about something. It can be collected and stored in various formats, such as numbers, text, images, audio, or video. Data, on its own, may not have any inherent meaning or value. However, when processed, organized, and analyzed, it can be transformed into useful information that can be used to gain insights, make decisions, or solve problems.

In the context of computing and networks:

  • Data is the fundamental building block of all digital information.
  • It is transmitted and processed by computers and other devices.
  • It is often structured and organized into databases or files for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • It can be represented in various forms, including binary code, text, images, and multimedia.

Examples of data:

  • Numbers representing sales figures or temperatures.
  • Text in a document or email.
  • Images captured by a camera or scanner.
  • Audio recordings of music or conversations.
  • Video footage of events or movies.

It is worth noticing data is raw and unprocessed facts, while information is data that has been organized, structured, and interpreted to provide meaning and context.

Data Packet

 Imagine sending a letter - you wouldn't just toss a bunch of loose pages into the mailbox. You'd put them in an envelope with the recipient's address and maybe a return address.

A data packet is like an envelope for digital data. It's a structured unit containing the actual data (the letter's contents) along with control information (the addresses and postage).

This control information helps ensure the data reaches its destination correctly and can be reassembled if needed.

The diagram shows how a data packet is constructed. 

 3.1.7 Explain why protocols are necessary.

Explain - Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

A protocol outlines the communication "rules" between entities, while a standard is a widely accepted and formalized protocol. Not every protocol becomes a standard, and not every standard focuses solely on communication.
They generally allow data to be transmitted successfully or without errors. 

Imagine trying to have a conversation with someone who speaks a completely different language. It would be chaotic, right?  Protocols in computer networks serve a similar purpose - they're the shared language that allows different devices and systems to communicate seamlessly.

Why Are They Necessary?

  • Interoperability: The digital world is vast and diverse, with devices and software created by countless manufacturers. Protocols provide a common set of rules, ensuring that a message sent from a Windows laptop can be understood by a Mac server, or an Android phone can interact with a website hosted on a Linux machine.   
  • Data Integrity: Protocols ensure that data is transmitted accurately and completely. They include mechanisms for error detection and correction, so if any bits get flipped or lost during transmission, the receiver can identify the problem and request a retransmission.   
  • Flow Control: Imagine a firehose blasting water at a tiny teacup - it would be a disaster! Protocols help manage the flow of data, ensuring that a fast sender doesn't overwhelm a slower receiver.   
  • Congestion Control: Networks can get busy, like a highway during rush hour. Protocols help prevent gridlock by regulating the amount of data that can be sent at a given time, ensuring everyone gets a fair share of the bandwidth.   
  • Security: Protocols can incorporate encryption and authentication mechanisms to protect data from unauthorized access and tampering.   

Protocols are the glue that holds the digital world together. They provide the structure and order necessary for seamless communication, data integrity, and efficient network operation.  Without them, the internet as we know it would be impossible.   

    3.1.8 Explain why the speed of data transmission across a network can vary.

    Explain - Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

    Have you ever wondered why sometimes your files download in a flash, and other times it feels like you're watching paint dry? The speed of data transmission across a network isn't constant - it's a dynamic dance influenced by several factors:

    Network Traffic: Think of a road during rush hour. When many data packets try to travel the same network path, things slow down. Similarly, a busy network can cause delays in your data transmission. This may result in delays from:

    • Nodal processing: When data reaches various nodes on the network such as switches or routers delays can occur when:
      • Packet header examination
      • Error checking
    • Queuing: As data packets reach certain nodes there may be several packets waiting to be processed. These are often placed in a queue. The delay depends on the number of items in the queue.

    Bandwidth: The amount of data that can be transmitted per second. Imagine a pipe - a wider pipe allows more water to flow through. Similarly, a network with higher bandwidth can handle more data, leading to faster transmission speeds. This is known as transmission delay or the time it takes for a data packet to be processed through various nodes. This is dependent on the size of the packet and the bandwidth of the network node.

    Time to send bits into link = L/R

    R=link bandwidth (bps)

    L=packet length (bits)

    Distance: The further your data needs to travel, the longer it takes. It's like sending a letter - one going across town will arrive faster than one going across the country. This is known as propagation delay and is the time it takes to send a packet from one place to another. This could be local or global.

    Propagation Delay = d/s

    d = length of physical link

    s = propagation speed in the network medium (fibre, CAT4 etc) 

    Network Hardware: The routers, switches, and other devices that make up the network can also impact speed. Older or less efficient hardware might create bottlenecks, slowing things down.
    Type of Data: Some data types, like large video files, take longer to transmit than smaller text files. It's like carrying a feather versus a brick - the brick takes more effort.
    Network Protocols: The rules that govern how data is transmitted can also influence speed. Some protocols are more efficient than others.

    Data transmission speed is like a river - its flow is affected by the width of the channel, the amount of water flowing, and any obstacles in its path. Understanding these factors helps you appreciate why your network speeds aren't always consistent.

    3.1.9 Explain why compression of data is often necessary when transmitting across a network.

    Explain - Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

    Data compression is a process of reducing the size of data files or streams by encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation. The primary goal of data compression is to reduce storage space requirements or transmission bandwidth while maintaining or minimizing the loss of information. Compressed data can be decompressed or uncompressed to its original form for use or transmission.

    There are two main types of data compression:

    • Lossy Compression
    • Lossless Compression

    Types of data compression

    Lossless Compression:

    In lossless compression, the original data can be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data. No information is lost during the compression process. Common lossless compression algorithms include ZIP, Gzip, and Huffman coding. Lossless compression is ideal for applications where preserving every detail of the original data is crucial, such as in text or database files.

    Lossy Compression:

    In lossy compression, some degree of data loss occurs during the compression process. The decompressed data may not be a replica of the original, but the loss is often perceptually negligible. Lossy compression is commonly used for multimedia files like images, audio, and video. Examples of lossy compression algorithms include JPEG for images and MP3 for audio.

    Why use Data Compression?

    Data compression is essential for various applications, such as:

    Reducing Storage Requirements: Compressing files decreases the amount of storage space they occupy, allowing for more efficient use of storage resources.

    Faster Transmission: Smaller file sizes mean faster data transmission over networks, making data compression crucial for efficient data transfer, especially in the context of the Internet.

    Multimedia Applications: Lossy compression is widely used in multimedia applications, enabling the efficient storage and streaming of images, audio, and video.

    Backup and Archiving: Compressing files before archiving or backing them up reduces the time and space required for storage and retrieval.

    Optimizing Web Pages: Compressed files are commonly used to optimize web pages for faster loading times, improving the user experience.

    While data compression offers numerous benefits, it's important to consider the trade-off between compression ratio (how much the data is reduced in size) and the computational resources required for compression and decompression. The choice between lossless and lossy compression depends on the specific requirements of the application and the acceptable level of data fidelity.

    3.1.10 Outline the characteristics of different transmission media.

    Outline - Give a brief account or summary.

    Fibre Optics

    Glass fibre carrying light pulses, each pulse a bit. High-speed operation

    100 Mbps Ethernet, high-speed point-to-point transmission (e.g., 5 Gps).

    Low error rate:  repeaters spaced far apart; immune

    to electromagnetic noise

    Twisted pair copper wire

    Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) is commonly used for computer networks within a building, that is, for local area networks (LANs). Data rates for LANs using twisted pair today range from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps. The data rates that can be achieved depend on the thickness of the wire and the distance between the transmitter and receiver.  

    Category 3

    Office buildings are often pre-wired with two or more parallel pairs of category 3 twisted pair; one pair is used for telephone communication, and the additional pairs can be used for additional telephone lines or LAN networking. 10 Mbps Ethernet, one of the most prevalent LAN types, can use category 3 UTP.

    Category 4/5/6 (CAT6)

    More twists per centimetre and Teflon TM insulation can handle higher bit rates. 100 Mbps Ethernet running on category 6 UTP has become very popular in recent years. In recent years, category 6 UTP has become common for pre-installation in new office buildings.

    Coaxial Cable

    This consists of a solid copper core surrounded by insulation which is then surrounded by copper shielding and finally covered with a plastic sheath. Early computer networks used coaxial cable with a bandwidth of 10Mbps but for modern-day higher speed networks (100Mbps and above) coaxial cable is no longer sufficient.


    Wi-Fi technology allows electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network. The current standard 802.11n supports 300Mbps speeds however they require all hardware to support this and generally run at around 130Mbps or less.

    3.1.11 Explain how data is transmitted by packet switching.

    Explain - Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

    Ever wondered how a video from YouTube or your email to a friend across the globe reaches its destination? It's packet switching! This clever technique is the backbone of modern data transmission, allowing us to efficiently share information across vast networks.

    What is packet switching?

    Imagine sending a large parcel through the mail. Instead of sending it as one massive, unwieldy package, you break it down into smaller, more manageable parcels. Each parcel is labelled with the destination address and a sequence number and then sent on its journey. These parcels might take different routes, but they all eventually arrive at the destination, where they're reassembled into the original package.

    Packet switching works similarly:

    1. Data Breakdown: When you send a file or message over a network, it's broken down into smaller chunks called packets.
    2. Packet Headers: Each packet gets a header containing important information like the source and destination addresses, sequence number, and error-checking codes.
    3. Independent Journeys: Packets are then sent independently across the network. They may take different routes, depending on network traffic and congestion.
    4. Reassembly: Once all the packets arrive at the destination, they're reassembled in the correct order based on their sequence numbers.
    5. Error Correction: If any packets are lost or damaged during transmission, the receiver can request retransmission of those specific packets.

    What are the advantages of packet switching?

    • Efficiency: Multiple users can share the same network resources, as packets from different sources can be interleaved and transmitted concurrently.
    • Reliability: Error correction mechanisms ensure that data arrives intact, even if some packets are lost or corrupted.
    • Flexibility: Packets can take different routes, adapting to network conditions and avoiding congestion.
    • Scalability: Packet switching can handle large volumes of data and accommodate growing networks.

    Packet switching is like a well-organised postal service for the digital world. It enables efficient, reliable, and flexible communication, making it possible for us to share information seamlessly across the globe.

    What is in a packet?

    Each packet contains a portion of the data, along with information about its destination, source, and position in the sequence. Here is an example of a standard network data packet:

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