Computer Science ebook
This section of the website contains an online textbook for students to reference throughout the course. It covers all the key knowledge elements of the course much of which reflects the content of the teacher presentations The pages also include practical examples and some terminology and knowledge quizzes.
Topic 1 - System fundamentals
This section covers system fundamentals, focusing on planning and system installation, user focus, system backup, and software deployment. It discusses the importance of understanding the context for...
Topic 2 - Computer Organisation
This section covers computer organization, including CPU architecture, primary and cache memory, and the machine instruction cycle. It discusses the need for persistent storage, the functions of operating...
Topic 3 - Networks
The topic “Networks” covers different types of networks, the importance of standards, and how communication over networks is broken down into layers. It discusses the use of VPNs and the necessity...
Topic 4 - Computational thinking
This section is not just a standalone topic. It’s connected to all other sections, particularly those involving flow charts, pseudocode, and programming in the SL/HL core, as well as abstract data structures...
Topic 5 - Abstract Data Structures
The topic “Abstract Data Structures” covers common data structures (arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees) and their operations (addition, deletion, retrieval of data, traversal, searching,...
Topic 6 - Resource management
This section discusses resource management in computer systems, including the identification and evaluation of resources like memory, storage, and processor speed. It highlights the role of the operating...
Topic 7 - Control
The “Control” topic covers centralized control systems, discussing a variety of systems like automatic doors and GPS. It outlines the uses of microprocessors and sensors, and evaluates input devices,...
Option D: Obect Oriented Programming
These sections cover Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), program development, and advanced program development. OOP features like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are explained. Program development...
Selected Pages
Case Study 2025 - Problems to be addressed
The chatbot suffers from slow response times, struggles with ambiguous language, lacks the architectural complexity to handle...
Case Study 2025 - Additional Terminology
The Case study has a list of additional terminology that you will need to know. You can use these flashcards to review each...
Topic 4 - Computational thinking
This section is not just a standalone topic. It’s connected to all other sections, particularly those involving flow charts,...
Case Study 2025 - Challenges faced
The challenges involve optimising response times, understanding the NLP pipeline, comparing model architectures, building...
Case Study 2025
Case Study 2025: The perfect chatbotRAKT Insurance needs your help! Their new customer service chatbot isn't performing...
Case Study 2024
Case study: Rescue robotsBotPro, a company specialising in industrial robots, has recently focused on rescue robots. These...