Students Start here
This section of the site will give you a good overview of how to navigate your way around the resources but also get you started with things such as choosing an IDE to develop and practise your programming and how to manage your time throughout the course.
Site guide for students
This is a good place to start getting your bearings for the site's structure. Below each of the sections is described.
Syllabus Tracker
Big-picture thinking - Tracking your progress and understanding. Having a big-picture perspective can help you prioritise effectively, set better goals and improve time management.
Choosing an IDE
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development. Popular IDEs include Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual...
Selected Pages
Students Start here
Site guide for students
This is a good place to start getting your bearings for the site's structure. Below each of the sections is described.
Students Start here
Choosing an IDE
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software...
Students Start here
Syllabus Tracker
Big-picture thinking - Tracking your progress and understandingHaving a big-picture perspective can help you prioritise...