External assessment
- Tips to give to students on how to maximise their marks on each of the two externally assessed examination papers
- Specific details of areas of difficulty and how to teach your students to overcome them
- Fun ways of understanding objectives and using command terms
- Practice Section A Paper 1 exams
- Examples of questions with worked answers for experimental work and data response on Section B on Paper 1
- Full explanation of grade descriptors and grade boundaries
- Full details on the whole examination process from how the exams are written to how they are marked and graded
- Advice on how to arrive at predicted grades
- Why your feedback on the exams is important
- Information and advice on Enquiry upon Results (EUR) and retakes
We have come a long way since Henry Armstrong made the following statement:![](/media/ib/chemistry/images/Exams/Exam%20session.jpg)
“When Prof. Ayrton and I were appointed the first professors of the City and Guilds of London Institute we found ourselves in complete agreement that we would have nothing to do with teaching for examinations.
I am proud to say that the programmes of the Guild’s Colleges have never been disfigured by references to examinations as objects to be kept in view by students.”
Henry E.Armstrong
(Science Progress,1886)
Rightly or wrongly the examinations now have a central role in most (all?) teachers' and students' lives. The syllabus is written so that it is clear what can be examined and the exams are written using command terms which are commensurate with the level of objective being tested. The pressure is heavily on students to achieve certain high grades in order to continue into higher education.
This part of the Website looks at every aspect of external examinations.
The main links accessible on the left and below breakdown as follows:
Essential Facts
This defines precisely the meaning of command term and explains the different levels of objectives. It covers grade descriptors and explains how the component grade boundaries and overall grade boundaries are arrived at together with figures giving the percentage of students attaining each grade.
Paper 1
The layout, timing and marks available are given and concrete advice is provided to give to students as to how to prepare for and answer Paper 1 and what the common pitfalls are. Contains practice Section A (multiple choice) papers containing new questions together with explanations as to why A, B, C or D is the best answer for each question. New questions together with the worked answers are also given for the Section B part of Paper 1 covering data response and experimental work. Further insight into writing and answering multiple choice questions is given in 'Thinking through multiple choice questions".
Paper 2
The layout, timing and marks available are given and concrete advice is provided to give to students as to how to prepare for and answer Paper 2 and what the common pitfalls are. The particular areas of chemistry that students have most difficulty with when answering Paper 2 questions are highlighted and teaching materials provided to help students overcome these difficulties.
The examination process
This section covers the whole examination process including the final subject report. This includes how the paper is actually written, marked, moderated and graded followed by advice on how to give predicted grades and feedback on the exams to the IB and when and how to apply for a remark.
FAQs about external assessment
Answers to questions that are often asked