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Using student access

There are three main ways in which 'The complete course for students' can be used by you and your teacher. You can use it on your own or with other students for self-study, both during the course and/or towards the end of your course for review(USA)/revision(UK). Your teacher may use it to set assignments for you to do in class or in your own time where your marks may, or may not, be recorded in your teacher's mark book. Your teacher can also set assignments to be completed under exam conditions within a fixed time frame.

Some examples of pages 

Graphing techniques

Since all IB Diploma students study mathematics as one of their six subjects you should already be very familiar and confident with drawing and interpreting of graphs so you may well not need this page....

R1.1 Measuring energy changes

Written specifically for students to provide help and support for the IB Diploma chemistry programme this page provides full coverage of the syllabus content of Topic R1.1 Measuring...

Ammonium nitrate & IB chemistry

Ammonium nitrate was been very much in the news at the beginning of this decade after 2750 tonnes of the salt which were being stored in the port area of Beirut caused a massive explosion on 4 August...

Putting Topic R2 into context (1)

There are many examples in Chemistry where two (or more) people are credited with discovering the same theory or process. For example Watson and Crick for the structure of DNA and Michaelis and Menten...

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