Navigating the site

This page gives a simple guide to help you find your way around the 'Complete course for students' site to locate any page you want or to find any page that contains a particular word, part word or phrase using the search facility. Once you grasp the three different ways of navigating you will be able to explore the site fully to see for yourself the wealth of information, ideas and resources it contains.
Ways to find what you need
1. Using the main headings
Putting your cursor on the top heading will bring a drop-down menu. 'Course for students' gives fourteen 'children' linked pages.
These pages are also shown in the left hand menu.
If a linked page also contains children it will have a wedge arrow by its side. For example, the second link is 'Approaches to learning' and this has seven associated children pages, whereas the third link, "Full coverage of each topic" will take you to the six main topics.
Almost all of the pages also have links directly embedded in them which you can just simply click on and it will take you directly to the linked page.
2. Using the sitemap
The sitemap icon is shown prominently just under 'Home' in the main headings.
Clicking on it will open up the sitemap which shows all the pages you have access to.
There are many pages so you may need to scroll down a lot, then just click on the page you want. The only pages you wont have immediate access to are the multiple choice tests and the question sheets. This is because your teacher may not want you to see the questions before they set them as an assignment. You can ask them to give you access at any time if you feel you need the page and it will then show up on your sitemap. Note that you do have immediate access to all the practice quizzes for each sub-topic.
3. Using the search facility
This is particularly useful if you want to find a certain word or phrase. For example Hess's Law. The search button is located right next to the sitemap icon immediately under Home in the top headings.
This brings up a panel where you can type in Hess's Law
Clicking on 'Search' then brings up all the pages that include Hess's Law, i.e. 39 site pages and 11 blog posts.
Some examples of pages
R1.2 Energy cycles in reactions
Energy cycles in reactions. Written specifically for students to provide help and support for the IB Diploma chemistry programme this page provides full coverage of the syllabus content of Topic R1.2...
Managing variables
A scientific variable is any factor, condition or quantity that can be controlled or changed during a scientific experiment. For example, consider an experiment to determine the rate equation for the...
Use of SI units and prefixes
An engraving by an unknown artist showing the creation of a new one metre alloy standard reference rod at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers in Paris in 1874.The origin of Le Système International...
Percentage of copper in brass
Brass objects have been found dating back as far as 5000 BCE. Brass has many different uses, for example, musical instruments, utility objects such as door handles, coinage and as a decorative substitute...