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Welcome to ThinkIB Visual Arts!
Teachers are busy people, and art teachers may be the busiest of all! This site is designed for you to find all the information you need to successfully teach IB Art, with a variety of resources to supplement and inspire your day to day teaching.
It is my heartfelt wish that this website may ease your load, save you time, and be a pleasure for you to use. Happy teaching!
Site Overview... Finding stuff
The website is vast, but easy to navigate once you get the hang of it...
The site is organized like an upside down tree with top level categories and branching sub-sections. Placing your cursor over headings will reveal the drop-down menus for each section. The sitemap will allow you to see the whole website at once. If you cant find something you are looking for, you may also search by putting a key word in the search box on the upper right side of the screen. Frequently consulted pages can be saved to your starred favorites so you can find them again easily.
The page Navigating the Site has these tips and more for new users.
Here's what you can expect to find in each of the top level sections of this site: ![authors collage](/media/ib/visualarts/images/personal%20photos/screen-shot-2020-03-20-at-17.39.29.png)
Start Here Teachers
This is where you are now. In this first section you will find pages on Curriculum Planning, Mapping a Course Outline, and Unit Planning as well as handy grading records and marksheets for Getting Organized.
What is your approach to teaching art? Structure and Freedom proposes open ended assignments, Teaching Visual Skills and discussion of key issues around Ethical Expression
For starting assignments that build skills and confidence and encourage a wide range of exploration have a look at some of these engaging Starting Strategies that many teachers love and have adapted to their own ways of teaching. And don't miss the Art Seeds, my favorite pages of the site ;)
Find out more about evolving role of AI in IB Education
There is a sub-section on Distance and Blended Learning created during the pandemic which has useful guidance for independent lessons even in times of face to face teaching.
Getting Started-Students
This is the area of the site that your students, once you have given them a code, will be able to access independently. It contains blue pages with all the information for them to stay informed as to course requirements, to self assess and prepare for the final submission as well as projects, seeds, questions, prompts and tips for success.
The teacher of course has access to all the student pages and you can select additional orange pages for them as you wish.
What is IB Art? is a summary of the course, not only for students! Information is broken down into clear, managable chunks. There is a Student Guide to Setting Up the Comparative Study and Student Guide to Creating a Process Portfolio
The Studio Strategies section points students towards strategies and resources for making art
The Art Seed Bank is full of imaginative starting points
The Researching Art section helps students identify sources, with tips for writing and researching about art.
Course Components
Possibly the most visited pages of the site are in this section: Here you will find detailed discussion of each component with many sub pages per component
What is the role of Visual Journal and how can it support the assessed components
The IB Core explores the core requirements of the IB Diploma:
- The Extended Essay, guidelines, criteria, advice, excellent examples!
- ToK in Visual Arts, many activities and and guiding questions
- CAS and the IB Learner Profile
Art Thinking
The Art Thinking section of this site focuses on critical thinking, looking at, reflecting on and responding to art, with many teaching activities to help build these "art thinking" skills. This includes Writing about Art, Formal Elements of Art , Visual Analysis, Building Art Vocabulary , Referencing and Citing Sources, Finding Information on Artists and using investigation and Research to support art making.
Also in this section are resources on Culture and Context and examples of how to include this in our teaching. Culture is addressed from a geographic point of view but also from a thematic angle, with examples within different cultural, social and contexts.
Cross Curricular Connections are an interesting way to develop art work informed by other topics the student is studying.
Art Making
This key area of the site is devoted to ideas about art production ranging from Drawing to Alternative Photographic Techniques to Installation Art, with much more in between. The Art Making Forms table is introduced and divided into three parts, Two Dimensional Forms, Three Dimensional Forms , Lens-based, Electronic, Screen-based Forms.
Non traditional media are discussed in pages such as Beyond the Studio, Collaborative Projects, Mad Materials and Emerging Media.
The Art Seed Bank is a stimulating collection of independent art making activities for students, jump off points, invitations to create and to discover new artists.
Exhibitions and Curating
This section addresses visual communication both as viewer and creator. There are many practical activities for introducing and teaching Curatorial Practice and on curating and presenting work for exhibition. Visiting Exhibitions provides tips and clear guidelines for visiting exhibitions with students.
I recommend browsing Selected Artists and Shows to have a look at selected artists and exhibitions, a way to get to know new artists, discover exhibitions you might not get to see yourself, and find useful related teaching activities.
Everything you need to know about assessment and more!
E submission Guidelines, Group 6 Grade Descriptors, CAF Planning and Progress Form , Internal Assessment rubrics and discussion of the criteria for each component: CS Assessment , PP Asssessment , Exhibition Assessment -and handy charts for formative assessing , Self Assessment Rubrics for students, Grade Boundaries and much more.
See Assessment Updates page for IB news or modifications.
Student Gallery
This student gallery includes a curated selection of inspirational student work across all three components. This is intended as a place where teachers can share best examples of student work once the work has been marked- with the students consent naturally. Please visit the page for info on how to submit your students work.
You can view slides from each student represented in the galleries, organized by component
Resources and Inspiration
Although this might not be your first port of call, Reflections on Creativity and the psychology of creativity are a fascinating topic for anyone engaged in creative work, students or teachers. There are lots of fun, quirky resources here, Surrealist Games , Oblique Strategies , Your Taste is Killer, Nothing is Original ... just to name a few.
There are resource pages on Visual Arts in Education, practical tips for Applying to Art School, and for Showing Film and Video ( have you ever seen A Brief History of John Baldessari?) and Guest Teacher Lessons by teachers like yourselves, sharing their areas of special knowledge.
Take a peek inside some Sketchbooks and Studios, and for a special focus on YOU visit the section on the Teacher as Artist and, why not, write your own Artist's Manifesto !
Selected Pages
Start Here Teachers
Getting Organized Free
Getting ready for the first day of the school year is often loaded with the hopes and dreams for improving last year’s...
Start Here Teachers
Starting Strategies Free
You have probably already begun Mapping a general course outline to be sure your planning addresses the assessment objectives...
Start Here Teachers
Art Seeds Free
Art Seed Bank is a new section on this website that proposes mini explorations or art challenges for your students. These...
Start Here Teachers
Introduction to the Course
an overview of the aims and objectives of the course for teachers new to IB Art.The curriculum revolves around three main...
Start Here Teachers
Asking Questions
We, Heather and Shannon, think one of the best features of your subscription to the InThinking Visual Arts website is your...
Start Here Teachers
New Visual Arts Curriculum
Revision and renewal are an important part of progress in education, and the teaching of art always occupies innovative...