Unit Plan: Exploring Place and Culture


This Unit Plan is based on the teaching material in  A Sense of Place  A version for students can be found in my textbook Visual Arts for the IB Diploma, (Cambridge University Press).

It is especially designed for students starting IB Art . You can find other suggestions for year 1 teaching ideas in Starting Strategies  

Skills, Techniques and Concepts

Explore a range of techniques from the art making forms table:

  • Photography
  • Drawing
  • Collage/assemblage
  • Mapping

Learn new technical skills and understand of uses of media

Develop independent and original thinking

Encourage continuity and coherence among artworks

Make connections with other artists/artworks

Engage in reflection, reviewing and refining

Big Ideas

1.Develop meaningful artwork out of experience, observation and reflection

2. Discover how research generates ideas and helps forge conceptual connections between works

3. Self Knowledge: be able to Identify appropriate technique(s) for further individual exploration

ATL skills

  • Thinking
  • Self-management
  • Research

Learning Processes used

  • Demonstration/technique
  • Materials led investigation
  • Curatorial activity
  • Interdisciplinary learning

Resources Used

Material Resources vary according to school and location

Books, websites etc:

A Sense of Place

Thinkib website resource

Textbook: Chapter 3, section 3.4  Where am I now? in Visual Arts for the IB Diploma, Cambridge University Press

TOK Connections

Cultural and Geographic Focus 

Exploring the cultural significance of place and the cultural influences of your surroundings

How does cultural understanding influence our interpretation of an artwork?

The Role of Culture  

How will the Unit be Assessed?

Formative assessment only - Journal and studio work that prepares students for the three assessed components:




  • Completed studio piece
  • Making connections (reflection)


considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry, making note of what worked well, what to change

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