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Avrora, CS HL

Slide 1, Avrora CS

This compelling Comparative Study by Avrora from May 2024 looks at 3 artworks: "The Wedding” by Marc Chagall, 1918, “Familie Schmidt” by Gerhard Richter, 1964, and  “Top Management” by Irina Nakhovaby, 2013. These apparently quite different works works are analyzed and compared for their formal qualities, expressive and symbolic function, historical context and their autobiographical content.  

This HL Comparative study, an example of exceptional critical analysis, was awarded 36 points (7).

Thank you Avrora and to her teacher Victoria Shcherbenko in Moscow.

Scroll through the slides

It's a worthwhile read although dauntingly dense on word count. You can use the + sign to zoom in on text.

(Note: the bibliography is included in the slides however it is submitted for assessment as a separate document.)

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