Using Teams alongside InThinking

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Using Teams alongside InThinking

In this lesson I show a mock-up of a recent (Teams) introduction to a lesson on vector-borne and water-borne disease.

Using Microsoft Teams Video calls

So in my school we use Microsoft Teams, which sets up each of my classes as a team and within that team I create folders for lessons called Channels. Within Channels I can upload resources and guide students through different learning outcomes. One feature of Teams is the ability to video call your students. Speaking and messaging with them directly, creates a social connection, which I know we all benefiting from, during these difficult times. Another feature of the video call enables me to share my screen with my team. This option lets me share and naviagte around the InThinking site live with my students.

Using InThinking in Video calls

So once I have started a video call one option allows me to record the video call and this is then saved in my Team for students to watch again when they choose. Once I share my screen I can effectivley introduce activities to them and have them respond to questions based on the activities on the page. It works well to start a lesson with one or two starter activities. Discussion activities that help set the context of the lesson. You can prompt student responses either through asking individuals to turn on their mic  or through a typed entry using the conversation tab.

So here is a video capture of a version of this I did today. This shows the Teams and it shows how to share the screen and then features me opening the lesson. To protect student identity, this video does not feature student participation and so lacks that more dynamic conversation that occurred in my earlier lesson. I should also say that in the making of this video I encountered some technical problems and so some fluidity was lost and I became a bit distracted. Heyho that's what happens with Live broadcast...

I hope that it gives you some indication of what I was aiming for

A Live Broadcast
