Reflecting on Personal Development

Reflecting through the course

Another example of finding a particular aspect allocated a slot but we know that it is something that is crucial to the whole CP experience. Reflective practice is a backbone of the CP - it's so important that they named a project after it. We find it named as a sub-topic under Personal Development's self-awareness topic but really it belongs everwhere. Here are just a few ideas to get going but do check out Reflective Thinking as well as the other PPS themes for more activities.


Reflective practice can be utilised at any time through a lesson for all sorts of reasons from considering the work that has just been done, making plans for the future or even changing the dynamic of a class that has got rather heated from a debate. It's a great way of starting a lesson to ascertain prior learning and establish a sense of confidence before new learning takes place.
It is all part of letting PPS take you in directions that really inspire, challenge and motivate students. As ever, educators often find activities of this type can be anything from 5 minute distractions to a full series of lessons.
You must meet ... 

Research people that you most admire in the world and what character attributes they possess that makes them so admirable. (Rember the local and global dynamic - these people do not need to be famous and distant!) You also can utilise the learner profile as a launchpad for attributes you might consider.

Extend the exercise by considering people you admire from your career-related studies and DP subjects and, again, the attributes they display that makes them someone to look up to.

'You must meet ...': Introduce one of your choices to a partner or the class in a paired activity to help you articulate the qualities they admire in others.

What does this exercise tell you about what you admire in people?
Are there any areas where you are lacking someone to inspire you?

Understanding key capabilities

Traffic light exercise: Using the key words in the word cloud below, reflect on your relation to your whole CP course: your DP subjects, your career-related studies and individual aspects of the core.

Labelling each segment with one of the key words, use a traffic light system of Red/Yellow/Green to show how well you think your CP course is encouraging you to practice that particular skill.

There is room in each segment to give an example of a subject where you think it is particularly relevant

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