Starting the project
Getting students started
We know that students need to take ownership of their reflective projects but this is easier said than done. To kickstart the project, students need not only to build an understanding of what is being asked of them; perhaps more importantly, they need to do this through reflection on how many skills they have already successfully acquired through their CP course as well as the self-awareness they have gained on their best working practices.
Consider all the stakeholders and resources available
The reflective project is intended as a project which draws together skills and knowledge accrued from multiple areas and that means it takes a village, not just one coordinator, to enable students to take ownership of this. Ideally you will have designed your core with all the different elements in mind, so PPS naturally links with the reflective project. However, even without that, and if you are starting your course part way through the CP, then you can be assured that students will be building skills all over the place and it is just about drawing out their awareness of this. As well as the
To get started, this page keeps it quite simple. Let's reflect on what we have learnt about our working practices in the different subject areas and find the links between our exploration of the 5 themes in PPS and the RP criteria.
Remember, students (and adults) are able to risk-take if they feel in a place of safety and that they are building on prior knowledge. The more you can establish a sense of familiarity and continuation of skills here, the more open-minded they will be to committing to the process and seeing the relevance.
- Carry out a reflection to identify working practices that work for students individually (Click on link! and see further teacher notes below here)
- Build on PPS. Many schools start the reflective project a term into the school year building up skills in PPS so carry out explicit reflection on how ideas, advice, resources and tools might transfer to a new context
There are lots of resources here created with both PPS and the reflective project in mind such as:
Reflective Thinking Critical Thinking Research skills Writing skills 1.2 Self-management strategies
4.1 Critical thinking: Investigating 'truth' 4.1 Critical thinking: Understanding 'Truth'
- Resist the urge to move too quickly away from laying foundations of ethical understanding and utilise resources that focus on multiple perspectives, questioning assumptions, problem solving dilemmas and comparison of local and different global contexts.
- Break down the assessment criteria into keywords with activities for the student to explore independently, in groups and with their supervisor before expanding on more detail. For example:
- Ethical dimensions, issues and dilemmas will make life easier for your supervisors. Every PPS teacher, reflective project and CP coordinator has had to work hard on getting their head around this area so it is no different for the team of supervisors you may have. Other pages, amongst many other, to support include:
- Applied Ethics 5.1 Introduction to Applied Ethics 5.1 Real world stories, issues and dilemmas
5.3 Academic Integrity and AI Lessons: Ethical thinking through debate Ethical Thinking
Further notes on preparation
- Carry out a reflection to identify working practices that work for students individually
The worksheet linked above which asks students to:
1. Think of your Career-related studies: which parts have you found easiest or most difficult? You could
consider: working by yourself, reading long articles, making effective notes, writing in detail...
2. Think of your DP subjects: which parts have you found easiest or most difficult? - You could consider: working by yourself, reading long articles, making effective notes, writing in
3. Look back over your PPS folder: which lessons/ discussions/ reflections/ ideas
did you find most engaging or thought-provoking? What was it about them that
you found engaging?
You might think about specific ethical dilemmas you discussed, a particular way you responded
to a task, something you learnt about yourself, the way you changed your mind about
4. How do you approach larger tasks? Are you happy with the way you approach
larger tasks? What would you like to improve or feel happier doing?
You might think about: break down into small pieces, plan outline and rarely look at it, plan
outline and constantly review it, make notes first, struggle to organise notes, find it hard to
start/finish a piece of work.
5. How do you truly work best? (not what you would like to believe)
Think about time of day, level of noise, different or similar to the way your friends work, other
commitments, access to resources, handwritten/typed notes, lengthy research sessions/short
focused sessions.
6. What form will your RRS take? Eg. Physical journal, scrapbook, online journal, folder of A4
notes ..
Exploring criteria - broken down into keywords
Criteria | Keywords |
Criterion A: Focus and Method - 6 marks | Ethical dilemma and issue Research Question Methodology |
Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding in Context - 9 marks | Context Local or global example Alternative perspectives |
Criterion C: Critical Thinking - 12 marks | Research Analysis Discussion and evaluation |
Criterion D: Communication - 3 marks | Structure Layout |
Criterion E: Engagement and Reflection - 6 marks | Process Engagement Research focus |
Assessment criteria at a glance (handout for folders, laminate me, set as desktop background ...)
Notes on introducing the criteria
Do I know what works for me?
Use this reflective process for student to identify working practices that work for students individually
PPS review
Carry out explicit reflection on the 5 key themes and how ideas, advice, resources and tools might transfer to this new context[1]
Worksheet of PPS review
Responsibility words
As students get to know the demands of the reflective project, they can take ownership of the project by considering the responsibilities suggested by key verbs (the traditional definition of a 'doing word' is very appropriate here). Notes are included below. This can certainly be done as a sorting activity if appropriate to the group. It would make an excellent first session with a supervisor for the student to discuss their responsibilities and their personal reflection of areas of strengths and weaknesses they anticipate.
Focus Research Communicate Reflect Plan Write Check
Find an issue connected with your CRS that presents an ethical dilemma
Record sources that you find at the beginning of the process
Keep a RRS – Researcher’s Reflection Space - consistently tto reflect upon progress and record your meeting notes with your supervisor
Discuss your ethical dilemma with your supervisor
Meet all internal and external assessment deadlines
Inform your supervisor of any issues you may have an extra help you may have received
Complete your RPPF as the project takes place and NOT at the end
Plan ahead
Make a schedule, knowing your work habits and commitments, and stick to it
Try to anticipate delays and adapt
Develop research question and structure to project
Be clear how your question links to the CRS
Acknowledge all sources
Meet all the criteria
Proofread final project
Expanding on Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism
This video expands, with more detail, on the impact and implications of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism which students can consider when reflecting on their own judgments and assumptions. Depending on the group, this is a good opportunity for a drama activity, creation of a photo essay or satirical picture.
- ^ adapted from Reflective Project: Skills for Success by Hodder Education, p2.